Apple to officially support Windows on Mac-Intel


New member
I just read an article on Apple's site about something called Boot Camp which will lett you run both Windows XP and Mac OS X using dual boot. Sounds pretty cool. Now I only need to get one computer when I upgrade.
Well Apple's stock went up 8.5% after the release of Boot Camp. So I guess quite a lot of people are interested in this. Even though I by far prefear Mac and Linux (don't really know why) I can see the advantage in it. The computer course I do at school reliese heavily on Microsoft products which aren't available on other platforms, so being able to boot into Windows when I don't have much choice would be very usefull, but what I would like to see Apple do is add support for installing Linux as well. Apparently this Boot Camp thing only works with Windows.

Also the setup is I hear is extremely easy. You can even get Boot Camp to burn a cd which contains the drivers for all your hardware. Then once Windows is installed all you have to do is put in the cd and install the drivers instead of spending hours hunting down the drivers.

At first I couldn't understand why Apple would do this but then I noticed something. You can't remove Mac OS X and only run Windows. Boot Camp runs from within the Mac operating system and boots automaticly into Mac OS X if you don't hold down the option key (alt for you windows guys/gals). I guess they want to get those who aren't ready to leave a platform they have been using all their life and those who can't due to work and so on. But at the same time show them the Mac OS and thus make them convert over time. It all makes economic sense.

Man I really wish I bought some Apple stock just before they announced the Intel chip. I orginally thought about doing it but I never got round to it. I guess it's times like this you can't do anything but bang your head against a wall and call yourself an idiot.
I think it's a bad move for Apple. By doing this surely they're admitting that Windows is a more desirable OS. If Apple was so good, why would people need to install Windows on the Mac?

I just don't get what is wrong with Windows / Linux to instigate Macs even existing. I hate them to the core of my being. I hate being tied to any one company too much. (If I buy a PC I can choose between Windows and a million *nix distros. With a Mac I can have... erm.... Mac software! (And now Windows... whoop de doop!)

Somebody, please explain this current Apple fad? (Yes, I distinctly hate the iPod, too!)
Have you used a Mac ? I think if you've used one you'd understand how people get attached to them. I've not used one for years, my old one only supported System 7. I'd love to get another more modern one (not that I'd polute it with XP though)
In my job I have to use a mac a lot for testing the website. I hate them with a vengeance. Some people think just because something looks good it is good.
Will said:
In my job I have to use a mac a lot for testing the website. I hate them with a vengeance. Some people think just because something looks good it is good.

I'm posting this from my Mac, and just so you know, there are tons of Linux distro's out there for Mac. Suse, Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.

Most Mac users would attack you for these comments and hurl flaming barrels of tar at you, but I won't. Just as long as you're willing to accept the fact that some of us just prefer Mac and don't particularly like windows all that much. I don't hate windows or anything like that. I just prefer Mac and Linux.
It's purely a matter of opinion - comparing the two is like comparing apples and pears. Macs happen to be very good for video editing, it's just that I'm not a video editor and I find the interface is not intuitive at all.

I'm a fan of Debian (the only Linux distro that actually works for me!) and I find that *nix servers are generally more reliable than Windows Servers, I just never saw a place for Apple (apart from video editing!) and think the company is extremely underhanded.
Will said:
It's purely a matter of opinion - comparing the two is like comparing apples and pears.

YES!!! That's exactly my point. It's all a matter of opinion, and people should respect other peoples choice of os. I'm not a windows hater (I run Windows 2000 Profesional on my laptop with Microsoft Office 2003) I just enjoy using Mac more. All a matter of opinion.
Sorry, I'm not meaning to disrespect your opinion. I just despise Apple and their OS - that's just my opinion.
I don't mind as long as people can live with it :). Think what you want, just don't try and convert me. Even if you were being disrespectfull I could take it. You get used to it after having been in the army with all those officers running round thinking their God and all that :)

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