Are you a reseller? You should consider this.


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Are you a reseller? Do you backup your customers files?

As a reseller you rely on your host to make backups of your clients files encase of an emergency. What happens if your hosts backups fail? For some resellers this could mean the death of there business. In the hosting industry if you have not already learned a backup plan for any type of instance means the survival of your business. We have created an easy to use tool that allows you to backup your clients files.


:. Easy to use setup for adding your current customers.
:. Set what time, how often and where to store your files on your local machine.
:. One click backup now feature allows you to run your backups right now.
:. Minimizes down to your Windows Task Tray for easy access.

If you are a reseller and not doing your own nightly backups then maybe it is time to consider it. For a one time fee of $29.95 US you can own your own copy of ResellerBackup and sleep easier at night knowing that you are safe if the worst case scenario were to ever happen.

To read more about the Reseller Backup tool or to purchase go to:

If you have any questions contact me at

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