Artashes works


New member
I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but Artashes' signature tells us that "Artashes now works for Klaxa".

Now... What is Klaxa? How does it work? And more importantly, what is Artashes doing there? Artaches? Can you please illuminate me (us)?

Thanks! :)
Looks like it's a Voice Over IP. Now is it a program for pc to pc VoIP? Or PC to Phone or phone to phone?

Currently I myself am almost complete with creating a Voice Over IP similar to teamspeak and ventrilo (better voice quality however). I'm very interested to know what the basic plan for this is as well Artashes.
Dan, so you noticed, huh? ;)

Klaxa will be a new generation PC-to-PC VoIP application (for use on PCs and PDAs) to allow users make free local and long distance calling using any internet connection (be it local home/office or wireless). Approximately a competitor to Skype, Xten and Peerio, Klaxa will include different features as well as allow its clients enjoy big promotional offers through its world patented technology.

This is no small project. Based in Montreal, a team of over 10 people will be hired full-time by this fall. We believe we can find the resources and build a huge network of 3-5 million users in few years of operations.

I was invited to join the team as partner and COO. My job is to hire the right developers, help to find resources and, most importantly, build and overlook online marketing/promotions of Klaxa in coming years.

We build this company and we give every team member a chance to own part of the company to feel engaged and motivated as well. Overall, we have great people on board with long-standing experience and we hope to get the right developers for the job. A search has been on for the last 3 weeks already.

Hope this explains where I stand.

Sounds like a challenging work Artashes. Good luck! I'm looking forward to see Klaxa become a big name! I'll be able to say: "I know one of Klaxa's owners! He's also their COO!". It'll give me a cool aura. Neah... That would be such a lame thing to do! :)
Hahah, Dan, you are a funny guy. A "cool aura". ;)

It is a hell of a challenge, but I'm all up for it. I think our own experience and the help from experts we're getting is a good base for realizing our goals.

Definitely, watch our for Klaxa. In 2 years it'll be a huge name.