Auto/Manual Reseller Account


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Hey, Just wanted to know your thoughts on people that manually set up reseller accounts or do you get it automatically set up.

I was thinking manually as it is a business being set up and we can optain the required id requirments before approval of it.
We have our reseller hosting accounts instantly setup. Unless you get a lot of fraud orders I don't see anything wrong with doing automatic setup, just keep an eye out and check every order.
Because reseller accounts can be used to create multiple accounts, we typically set them up manually. More money is at play is at play and the risk of fraud goes up. Accounts are usually setup within 20 minutes of being paid for though.
For certain countries, and certain sized order, we've asked for ID - if the order is legitimate it's never an issue.
Instant Setup Linux Cpanel Webhosting

First 30 Days Free Instant Setup Linux C panel Web hosting; we offer this to the general public our, system setup the c panel and accounts, then we add the reseller capacity as soon as the order is in.
We automatically setup reseller accounts. Usually the clients are eaget to use their account as fast as they can, so a 1-2 hours delay is not a good thing.
However, we use a fraud-checking system and we manually check every order afterwards.

For VPS we are using manual setup.
Reseller account can be automatically setup. Just use a good anti-fraud system and regularly check your orders.
Same with ours (automatically set up). We find most customers prefer not wait for their order.

Of course with proper anti-fraud measures in place. Those who hit our fraud detection systems get manually reviewed / setup.
Some hosts have it set up for instant set up upon payment and some have it set up to where the account manager or what ever has to review the order and then accept and process it. They will set up the reseller account for you and then send you details..

Some hosts do it and some don't but I'd rather go and have it set up manually, this way you will not have to worry about people abusing your services you offer.

We setup manually that way we can get to know a little bit about the Reseller. We want to make sure we can provide them the best service and want them to fill more like a valued friend and client, then just a number. I think it is more personal as well because then they can ask you any additional questions and you are more likely to remember them creating a interpersonal relationship.

Also, being that we are in the US we need to make sure we know where are customers are from because of sanctions and embargoes. We also, want to make sure that they provide us with accurate information and understand proper usage of our service.

Hope this helps!
When I sold shared hosting I had automatic setup on single accounts but manual on reseller accounts.
I do it manually

In the past I used the plugin for cpanel for master resellers etc and its fine but these days I have it where the account and their own hosting is automated but all the configs I do by hand, it is a business type setup and I think the client deserves perfection so do it by hand.
If using Cpanel setitng upa reseller account correctly takes afew minutes so isn;t a big deal and the more you do them the faster you get so becomes even less a burden after doing it couple hundred times.

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