Best SEO tools ever use in SEO!!!!


New member
hi all members,

I'm starting a discusion regarding to SEO tool and I would highly appreciated members to add some more to this thread.
I'm using following tools for me all SEO task

(a) Google webmaster tool for webiste crawling
(b) cuterank which gives best keyword rank check
(c) Google Adword tool
(d) majesticSEO for exact figure to check backlinks
(f) Google analytics
(g) wordtracker keyword check

MajesticSEO doesn't show "exact figure". Keep in mind that the data they use is also usually a month or two older than current information.

There's so many different tools that I use in my daily task, but here's a few;

Market Samauri
Raven Tools
Screaming Frog
Bright Local
Link-Assistant (website auditor)
google itself
google trends
google webmaster
Bing webmaster tools
good ole fashioned brain!

Tools are only as good as the person using it.
Interesting, considering doing more SEO and had heard of some of these services. I just use google, webmaster, bing webmaster, and SEO training.
Advanced Web Ranking is the most helpful tool to check ranking of the respective website and their competitors as well. I used it and i am totally satisfied.
The tools that I am using for SEO are:

1. Google keywords tool
2. SEOpressor
3. Keyword tracker
4. Magic submitter
5. Zenno poster.
All great tools, but like Conor said, your brain is the most important. Throw in effective time management, because I know most of us here are already in a time crunch to get done everything we'd like to do.

With SEO in a constant state of flux, sites like Alltop help pull great SEO articles from the experts all together -
If you are looking for something basic but easy to use, you may want to check Attracta SEO tools. Most of our customers are very happy with Attracta SEO tools. Personally I have good experience with them and they have many free options as well. Another nice feature is that they can come configured directly in cpanel so its very easy to use.
I agree Attracta is a great place to start and free which is always great. Some thing posted here is new to me and will be checking them out as well.