Best Site Builder


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What is the best site builder out there? RV sitebuilder seems to be a popular choice now a days; but is the best overall? What about for someone with no design experience who would rather deal with a drag and drop option? Weebly sound like a good choice as well. Thoughts anyone?
I do agree about RV, we are also using it, but I am not a fan of such SiteBuilders as a whole to be honest. I can see why novice users find them so easy to operate but they are just so limited - limited in design, limited in functionality, limited in extras. And I bet that anyone with the right mindset can sit down and learn a CMS like WordPress in no time and get much more freedom.

But enough about my midnight ramblings...back ontopic, apart from RV I've heard various people that fancy Wix, Weebly, Zyro and Trendy Builder. Can't really vouch for any of the options as I've personally used only Wix from those, but they seem pretty straightforward and easy enough for the end user. :rolleyes2
RvSiteBuilder will be ok for a pure novice But in a twisted way, Wordpress is my site builder of choice for "advanced" Novices. Almost as easy to use after all.

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