Best software for site design


New member
I know a little html but haven't used it in a few years and want to get my website started but don't think my limited knowledge of html would be very appealing. I've heard a few friends use Microsoft Frontpage to design their sites but I never really thought it was that great. I would appreciate a few options and what you think of the software.

Most website building software (MS Frontpage, Dreamweaver, etc) produce noncompliant scripting errors that hinder the foundation of any website.

My suggestion would be to take what you remember of HTML and study XHTML as you will have a much better understanding and fexibility of the script lanuage.
Don't use Frontpage. You're better off trying to remember your knowledge of HTML than using Frontpage and its myriad issues with coding.

Another good bet is to find some pen source templates to help you study the HTML you need to apply for your site and tailor them to suit your unique needs.
The fastest way to get some sites running is to use some pre-made ones and I have found a company that offers hosting and once you purchase and account , you get 155 Adsense ready to use websites and all that for $60. It is and it sounds quite interesting especially for just starting webmasters ?
you should need a template and the work is done, you just need to modify the text :)
try you're skills with a free template and then you can buy a professional template
For a beginner like you Microsoft Frontpage is the best tool for website design if you consider designing on your own. Most professionals would use Dreamweaver in conjunction with other development tools like Visual Studio etc.
Dreamweaver is the best there is. It's catered for both the pros and beginners alike.

I think I have to agree here. DW is good and sometimes people will use FP and it ends up being more hassle than its really worth. DW can help for newbies that are not sure of certain things, and actually help them, not confuse them. :D
MS Frontpage is never a good choice. I can't tell you how many times I've had a client come to me with a "page they made" that doesn't seem to work right they need fixed. Nine times out of ten its because Frontpage can't render complaint coding.

Dreamweaver and Creative Studio are great choices if you want to put out the cost of a new computer to use yours to program. And the time to learn how to use them, since Dreamweaver can make bad code if you don't check it before considering it "done" or use it properly.

Open source templates and online HTML/CSS sites are your best bet. I'm sure you can easily design your site with your basic knowledge once you get going. Many open source templates have great notes for where you need to change, how to change it and why.
Notepad i think is the best software because its FREE &RELI RELI RELI easy to use no downloading required
but if u want a software to highlight errors and color your code notepad++ is the way forward :p & its free :p

or if u can afford it dreamweaver thats easy to use and has some good features