Best Tool for traffic estimate


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Which is the best reliable tool to estimate traffic on a website

There are number of websites giving that information but all have different stats.
1) Google Keyword 2) myDNS Stats 3) Traffic Estimate 4) Compete 5) Quantcast 6) Alexa

Please tell me the best and the reliable tool.
Thanks in Advance It gives more information on the desired site: Pagerank, Daily Visitors, Daily Pageviews .....
I always perferred Google Analytics and Piwik.

Piwik is an open source, self hosted version of Google Analytics. It's got an active community backing it so there is a lot of plugins and customizations for it too. It's not often talked about but it's a solid solution.
I'm also used the google analytics for information of visitors.
Yes Piwik is self hosted solution..But I never used it...and I am thinking to try it...
Google Analytics, AwStats and your web hosting logs along with the program which tells you the latest visitors that have accessed your site, also accessible from hosting panel, can everyday tell you how your website is doing online. The first option, Google Keyword which I believe you are referring to the AdWords keyword suggestion tool is primarily used to spot the best keywords, rather than discovering how many people have visited a site.

Alexa seems to be getting better day by day, compared with the past, and the stats they offer for websites in most cases solely match their stats on Google, the higher positions, the lower numbers that seem logical. You are recommended to use a combination of tools rather than trying to find only the best or one single program to learn more about your overall website's popularly online.
If you don't mind giving google your data... which they will then profit on, then they are by far the most customisable easy to use solution.

If you want to keep your data private awstats is simple to use and setup. AWstats is also good.
Which is the best reliable tool to estimate traffic on a website

Log-based solutions (e.g. awstats) are superior to script based solutions (e.g. google). Traffic and Bandwidth statistics will be exactly as they happen on the server. Script-based analyzers only record data from pages that have the tracking code. Moreover, since the tracking code uses JavaScript, browsers with java disabled, or cookies disabled, will not be recorded. Not to mention you will need to manaully insert the code into each page
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I have been using 2 a free basic one for checking your Serps ranking but only covers the first 100 results is cuteranker. For more indeth results and keywords and ranking, links try Rank Ranger is a monthly paid by the 30days free trail will give some awesome results.
"Best" depends on what is important to you. Google Analytics is the easiest and fastest to setup for example. Piwik has some nice features and it's open source. :)

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