Business Name


New member
G'day all and much thanks in advance for your help and feedback.

Basically I just need a vote but any feedback etc is more than welcome from my peers.

I had been plodding along off a resellers account until I made a good friend who is now my business partner, as those of you that have been in this situation it takes a little ironing out when 2 people merge their companies as such.

Anyway the only problem we are having is deciding which name to go with and I was hoping you guys could provide me with some honest feedback so I can put some basic data together before we finalize anything as I will be doing this same post on other forums also and have done a little research locally.

1. Westgate Web Hosting - I like this one for 4 reasons, one it contains the words web hosting, secondly it has westgate in it which is a bit of a Melbourne icon, three I belive it sounds professional as such and finally westgate is easy enough to remember.

2. PackagedHosting - This is my second choice based purely on keyword research and it can be branded pretty easily along with being pretty easy to remember.

3. Peanut Butterfly Hosting - This is my partners business name, i like it because its so easy to brand etc but i just dont think it will be taken seriously, kind of like dodo if anyone feels me there haha and with that it isnt the easiest to recall IMO.

And yes we already own these domains, we just want to dump 2 of them as they aren't required.

Well there it is, dont be shy lol.
Cheers Idcdc,

I will be doing a bit of local advertising via a few avenues although our primary market would have to be the US as our server is based there and they have 10 times the population/market of Australia.
I think its a difficult one, westgate, and depends primarily on your marketing strategy (I definitely hope you have one). One thing is to go after your local market where a lot of startups without big advertising budgets can start generating cashflow, or go after a global consumer, thus disregarding the geographical location of your company.

If you choose local market as the one you want to depend on during startup stage and then, having that initial revenue security, expand, go with Westgate Web Hosting.

If you are more interested in attracting a global consumer off the start, then I suggest a very amuzing Peanut Butterfly Hosting (Peanut Hosting sounds shorter and better in my opinion). The last thing you want to do is to be afraid that it is not going to be taken serious! Yahoo!,, Tax Momma, GoDaddy, Flickr weren't afraid - why should you? Your priority as a business is to bring as much "talk" and "hype" about your company. Think about how you will want to stand out, not what your critical competitors would say, and definitely not what the industry standard is suggesting for you to be (marketing wise). And I think if I saw a banner for "Westgate Web Hosting" and "Peanut Butterfly Hosting", I would want to check out the second one.

Hope that gives you some ideas.
Thanks for the feedback it was quiet helpful, moreso your post Artashes, we came to a decision based primarily on your point relating to yahoo etc.

Thanks again.
I am glad to have been of help. If you are looking for further marketing idea refinements, advice, feedback, you can always post and we'll do our best to assist.

So can I assume you are going for "peanut"? :D
Registering a trademark is very expensive, and I wouldn't advice that for a startup company, unless you are VERY serious about taking over the industy. :)

I would rather spend those money on smart marketing/PR.

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