Can Resellers sell their own reseller accounts?

Once I had thought that cPanel Pro was going to offer that feature, but that would still be up to the host of the dedicated server to enable that feature. There is also a add-on for cPanel out there that will allow this. Sorry can't remember the name off hand.
RVSkin has a subreseller feature, though I have never used it and I'm not completely sure how it works ;)
Yes there are many hosts that provide there resellers to sell resellers package. But this has to be made able by your root host. one such webhost is which gives you option to sell your own reseller package
cant this just be set up as a referral account? I'm not sure how this works, can I have some more details about this please?
If you have a VPS or it is allowed by the host node, yes you can do this.

With VPS you would get a license like a dedicated server, and would just create the accounts with reseller capabilities. Its very easy to do.
I think there are quite enough companies that sell the reseller accounts. The main thing is to have a license for it.

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