Carbon Neutal Hosting


New member
hi everyone, i am not looking to promote my new company as i am brand new on here. all i want is your opinions on my idea. the idea of the company is to employ green/eco friendly schemes to offset any ommission from servers, clients websites etc. tree planting etc are my prefferred methods at the moment. the costs will not effect the customers monthly fee's so i think its a good idea. just wondered what your opinions are on the matter, cheers
the costs will not effect the customers monthly fee's so i think its a good idea.

All costs end up being paid by the customer, unless the share holders come with money from home each year, to cover that tree planting activity. ;)

As for the validity of tree planting schemes, opinions are quite divided. Better have the employees come to work on their bicycles, or at least using mass transportation. :)
well the costs of the hosting are set now so they will not go up once we have to pay into a tree planting scheme or any other schemes we feel we can support...
if it is choice between two providers that are otherwise equal, this could sway a prospect's decision in your favor. Anything that can distinguish you from your competitors is a plus.