Cheap bandwidth in Miami


New member
I found a company a couple months ago that had really cheap rack space and bandwidth in Miami. They only had two data centers. I have been trying to find them again but can't.

Does anyone know about any cheap colocation companies in Miami?
Have you tried Vault Networks?
Just a note: The term "cheap" is relative. What is "cheap' to some, I might consider "an arm and a leg." LOL

I agree with the above post.

Do you mean cheap customer service? cheap network backbone? cheap paid employees? I'm quite sick of the word "cheap" because everyone has to survive and it's a business.. Of course some hosts may have better deals, but you should clarify that your looking for an "affordable provider". I don't know about you, but I don't like eating cheap mac and cheese every night!
Through Experience I find the best servers i have had are the co lo Continuum Data Center in Chicago closly followed by Germany.

As as i am in the UK I hate to say this but UK servers are the worst. I have tried servers in most UK DCs and all have had major issues