Cheaper Billing Software


New member
I am in process of developing a new web billing software. So far I am working on it's core components, but I need input from the community to see what everyone would like to see in it. There will be a cost for it, but trust me, it's gonna be a heck of alot less than modernbill. So if you have any ideas, or something that your current billing software lacks, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with something. It's kinda blah right now on theme-wise, but if anyone has some time to come up with one and would like to help, let me know. It's code base is in PHP, but I will be looking for ways to 'encrypt' it. A website will be developed for it in a few weeks or maybe even days, just depends on the time I have to spare for it, while I program the core.
Have a demo we can check out so far?
Just keep it simple, too many programs try to add too many things before working on the essentials and they normally become too complicated to use and the main functions are difficult to understand.

I will give you more input if you can let us know what you have so far.
I setup a demo site. Please be aware that this is a Alpha Release. Not all of the functions are active yet. I am open to any improvements that can be done. I would also like to find someone that would create a theme for it. I don't know how much I can pay out yet for it. I'm sure most resellers would like this type of a billing system along with shell providers and such. Thanks for everyones time.
The administration is yet to be complete. I was working more on the client features first, then to the administration features. I have the main website up now where they can register an account and get a little more involved in the project, for requests, and such.
You should also check about using the phpcoin buttons ;)
Not sure if they are still used in the program but they used to be anyway.

The client area looks good, nice and simple, just the way I like it ;)
Have a suggestion, for the invoice tab, how about adding a link to pay off any invoices that are open?

Are you going to be adding a helpdesk also? Saw a link for it.
The phpcoin buttons are temp, until I can find someone or time to create the ones I want. The invoice section is a WIP (Work-In-Progress) and will be for sometime. I will be adding helpdesk support as well. I've been re-building the database and how the tables work. So that has taken some time to think and work on. If someone can tell a person or company that can make templates for images and themes, without costing an arm an a leg, or even free, please let me know. I want this program to make it's way into the hosting business so that web host providers do see a light at the end of the tunnel, and it don't cost hundreds for a license for a year. Once the software becomes beta mode, I would like some of the providers here to offer it to thier reseller customers, maybe a free demo(fully functional), or a monthly cost. Not to sure on those details yet, as the software needs sometime to grow and mature into a stable evironment. But freeback is greatly helpful. :) Also, feel free to register an account at as this is Web-Billing's Home on the net. And if you even want to, use the forums there that I have provided.
It doesn't get much cheaper than free...check out 2ndSite....recurring billing...the whole bit...aging notifications coming in October I'm told. Referral and reseller options for web hosts were released with the last version in August....
I just checked out your some of your other sites and posts. 2ndSite is no replacement for Modern Bill, or what you are proposing, because it does not manage your hosting modules....just your billing....So....keep up the good work! Disregard my post unless a good billing tool is all you need...or some extra of the advantages of 2ndSite for me is I can resell it to my clients (unlike Modern bill) because it is not hosting specific. My clients like it because it's super easy for them to use.
The modules are going to be the most of my work, which will take the longest ughh, but in due time, it will be ready for use of all kinds. I guess the real question would be what all kinds of modules do you all want to see as default?? Either post it here or at my website which is in my signature below.

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