Clan Sponsorship??

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New member
Hello reader,

I am a co-leader of a very small clan in need of sponsorship. We are currently only a Call of Duty 1 Clan.

We believe that we will not grow and be successfull as a gaming clan unless we could maybe get a small server to help us get passed this "roadblock".

We are only asking for a small public server and teamspeak/ventrilo.

We will put your advertisements on our website, temporary teamspeak MOTD, if we can get a server, then we'll advertise you on there as well. And if you want I'm sure that some people will even put out your ads in game.

That's all we really ask for, but anything you can offer us would be great. TY for taking the time to read this.
Drop me a note on my forums - storpappa - with the size of the clan and what you need in detail

number in the clan now, how much you expect it to grow

game server - are you running it now or renting it, is this month to month or on a contract

And if you have an idea of hw demands - cpu, memory, bandwidth - both during priactive and tournament or game play

I am looking to add to the groups I sponsor, but it is a package of forums, game server and voice server.
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