Clientexec Reseller Promotion


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With the upcoming release of ClientExec Version 3.0, NEWEDGE Services, Inc. is proud to announce the following specials for both new and existing Reseller customers.

**For new Reseller customers, we would like to give you the first month free to get your business and Clientexec up and running.

  • This special allows you to offer Clientexec to your customers, with no out of pocket expense. We hope this will free up funds to allow you to focus on other aspects of getting your business started.

**For our existing Resellers, we would like to offer 1 month free if you upgrade to the next reseller level for being dedicated customers.
  • We ask that you submit a ticket to have your account upgraded in our Members Center, and we'll extend your due date 1 month and upgrade your account.

Version 3.0 provides a lot of improvements including those in the realm of module development. Just by extending abstract classes and declaring your actions and views in a configuration file you can create your very own tightly integrated Clientexec modules. For more information on Clientexec, please visit

You can view a demo of Clientexec at We are proud of all our releases, but feel that Version 3.0 may very well be the highlight of 2007.

Should you have any questions, please contact us at sales[@]

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