Cloud VPS Hosting

WebNet Host

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There are many VPS providers out there, So the question is who exactly needs a Cloud VPS Hosting solution .... In general who is the audience for such a hosting solution. Please elaborate
First things first - cloud vps and vps are two different things :)
In short those that need a cloud vps need higher levels of redundancy & uptime and also the need to scale resources quickly (to perhaps react in sudden traffic spikes for campaigns etc)
Scalability and redundancy are the two key advantages of cloud hosting. If you value uptime or downtime is something you can't really afford, then some people can justify paying a premium for cloud hosting.
The main advantages of Cloud Hosting versus VPS Hosting are generally:

-Resize on demand
-High availability/auto-failover
-Usage based billing

Now if you're someone who is going to only work on your project one or two days a week, being able to turn your account on and off can save you quite a bit.
Cloud VPS plans are going to offer you the reliability that you hear about based on the redundancy of the way cloud hosting operates and it will also give you scalable options which are perfect for those VPS plans that can experience spikes due to events and promotions. This type of plan can take the worry of over usage and suspensions out of your mind and allow you to operate at higher volumes based on your current and projected needs.
Generally - everyone who needs 100% uptime.
Cloud services should be flexible with instant set-up and always online.
There are many VPS providers out there, So the question is who exactly needs a Cloud VPS Hosting solution .... In general who is the audience for such a hosting solution. Please elaborate

I don't know who needs Cloud VMs, but you usually need to do sales. However this is not the way to do it.
The audience for such hosting are people who:
Want to reduce spending's on technology infrastructure
Want to reduce capital costs. There’s no need to spend big money on hardware, software or licensing fees.
People who use cloud use it because:

- Reduction of costs – unlike on-site hosting the price of deploying applications in the cloud can be less due to lower hardware costs from more effective use of physical resources.

- Universal access - cloud computing can allow remotely located employees to access applications and work via the internet.

- Up to date software - a cloud provider will also be able to upgrade software keeping in mind feedback from previous software releases.

- Choice of applications. This allows flexibility for cloud users to experiment and choose the best option for their needs. Cloud computing also allows a business to use, access and pay only for what they use, with a fast implementation time

- Potential to be greener and more economical - the average amount of energy needed for a computational action carried out in the cloud is far less than the average amount for an on-site deployment. This is because different organisations can share the same physical resources securely, leading to more efficient use of the shared resources.

- Flexibility – cloud computing allows users to switch applications easily and rapidly, using the one that suits their needs best. However, migrating data between applications can be an issue.
Cloud VPS and VPS are two different services. When you speak about cloud your talking about having a strong network that you can easily upgrade and do changes to without downtime at all. It's more reliable but can cost a lot more at the same time.
You seem to have 2 things mixed up. Cloud VPS and Plain VPS. Those two are two different things

If you need higher levels of redundancy & uptime and need to scale resources quickly to react in sudden traffic spikes then cloud vps is what you need