

New member
I was just wondering: Anybody used CloudFlare and can say if this CDN is actually that good? I see a lot of hype around it these days.
I tested it on a website with about 1000 visitors/day and I can say that it really reduces the ammount of used bandwidth with about 30%, but I have no idea if it really protects the sites from DDoS attacks and such...
Content delivery network is secure and stable, can easily handle traffic spikes and server downtimes, your content will never be offline.

It is based on the principle of Content delivery network: dense network of servers worldwide, so even if one of them is down of suffering DDoS attack others will handle you traffic.

I believe there are better choices than CloudFlare, try one of new kids on the block like MaxCDN or <name removed>.
Content delivery network is secure and stable, can easily handle traffic spikes and server downtimes, your content will never be offline.

It is based on the principle of Content delivery network: dense network of servers worldwide, so even if one of them is down of suffering DDoS attack others will handle you traffic.

I believe there are better choices than CloudFlare, try one of new kids on the block like MaxCDN or <name removed>.

Something in your username tells me you may be a little biased. ;)

Anyway, from reading posts here on the forum I believe lots of people like it. If you're looking for DDoS protection, I don't think the free version supports it.
My clients are actually pretty happy that they can use CloudFlare, but the funny thing is that they have no idea what does it do :))
If you're looking for DDoS protection, I don't think the free version supports it.
I don't remember offhand what protection they include with their Free tier, but I do recall that their Business plan includes advanced DDoS mitigation though.

I am biased, but trying to help this time, not to acquire client. Who would want client with DDoS attacks :)
I assume that's your way of saying that your service doesn't offer any such protection/security like CloudFlare does?
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I have used it before and it is pretty good, I have never had a problem with it and it has handled attacks and a large amount of traffic.
I am biased, but trying to help this time, not to acquire client. Who would want client with DDoS attacks :)

This may be true but did you read the forum rules

3.4 Participants may not post or otherwise transmit promotional materials, or any other form of solicitation, except in those forum sections where advertising is expressly permitted.
I wouldn't use CloudFlare as DoS/DDoS protection, not the free version anyhow.. If you're having problems with such things, you should seek a provider or professional specializing in mitigating attacks and setting up the proper prevention methods.

I do use CloudFlare on a few personal sites (all static) and find that it does save bandwidth and pages do load faster. I have not tested it on dynamic sites, however.
Their free version is pretty good, free version is okay for small DDoS attacks but not large DDoS attacks. However, CloudFlare resolvers can be used to get your server IP, but this is easily patch able when you set up the DNS records in CloudFlare.

It optimizes performance greatly, and is definitely beneficial for bigger websites on smaller servers.

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