Comments On SidewalkMedia?

Hey Oliver,

You should redo the site with css, at the moment it takes to long to load and I saw serveral little boxes loading at a time! :( CSS will make it load alot faster and it will look more professional. I looked through some of your portfolio, very nice work.
photoshop does a poor job coding the design. You will need to reassemble and recode the project using tiling BG images rather then letting imagready do the final coding. Your text must be seperated from the images or you have nothing for search engines to see except your images...

If you need help doing it with tables, let me know i should be able to help you out. If you decide to go the smarter Div Css tableless layout, teach me when your done ;)
Thanks guys for your comments.

If you actually read the 'News' You will see it says something like ' This text is just an image, I will delete this in soon when I get it coded.

@Oswebhosting : Really? That would be great.

Hit me up on msn :
Its a nice one., but its better if its running on real css and html. add some flashy stuff would make it more interactive.
fivenine said:
Thanks guys for your comments.

If you actually read the 'News' You will see it says something like ' This text is just an image, I will delete this in soon when I get it coded.

@Oswebhosting : Really? That would be great.

Hit me up on msn :

Sure, I'll do what i can for you. I no longer use MSN but i have sent you a PM.
I'd recommend launching the designs using javascript in a separate window with a "close window" button. As it is now, it takes you to an image with no navigation. Usability is huge - and will assist in your credibility as a designer.