Common Spam email senders


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Are you ever wondering why you random get large amount of spam?

This is caused because somehow common spammers get ahold of your email address and add it to an automatic senders list. Annoying right?

At your webhosting company (or wherever you host your email) you should have the ability to blacklist those who are filling your Inbox with useless junk mail. The list below are common spammer domains that you can add to your list

Common Blacklist email filters to add for customer email accounts:

If you are getting hit with spam from a domain you dont see in the list above, you can use the same format from the list and add your own!

If you dont have spam filtering, contact you email hosting provider to see about getting it!
And you will be adding all the domains extensions with a promo in the next year to your list. Because all domains that goes in promotion will be used by spammers because they are cheap.

It's clear that a spammer will not pay a domain 400$ to spam people... It will take the cheapest... All the extensions you have mentionned above as been in promo in the last year.
If you have spam filter installed on your account then it is most useful for to avoid such problem.

If there is cPanel then you can have the Apache spamassssin in which you can either white-list or black-list the email addresses or emails coming form the particular domain.
If you have spam filter installed on your account then it is most useful for to avoid such problem.

If there is cPanel then you can have the Apache spamassssin in which you can either white-list or black-list the email addresses or emails coming form the particular domain.

spamassassin does not always work, also a lot of spam comes from gmail, so blocking that could block potential customers as it is a commonly used email.

best to report the spam email with header to Spamcop and then look for the originators email and then trace the CIDR and block that on the server
If you are getting a ton of spam, I think you should be talking to your provider, asking them what they're doing to minimize this, or what could be implemented to reduce it.

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