cPanel 11, Has Arrived!


New member
Now that cPanel 11 is finally here and I've noticed many host have actually upgraded to it, how is everybody liking the release so far? What are your customers saying about it?

From a customers point of view, I do like the new ajax/javascript functions they have added. It does make it a little more customizable for the end-user. Still testing to see if some of these weird bugs and if they have updated things I really wanted to see improved. But so far so good from end-users pov.

As for server administration, some of the new features in WHM have been really welcomed from me. Specifically the new theme management options :). I do a lot of theme modification and it does have a bit of a learning curve on the new x3 skin for Cpanel. But otherwise I have managed to edit it quite a bit, but I'm not getting the sprites thing just yet. WHM theme x3 is a little wonky too, but if you just stay on the X skin it has been upgraded also.
I upgraded to 11 last week and had no issues in upgrading it and everything is still running nice. A big improvement few extra features and everything looks much nicer now so far no complaints about it! :)
I've yet to upgrade still. Hopefully it's worth all the time and effort. I don't think many people hosted will care too much. It really depends on the features and look of the new version.
It doesn't take to long to upgrade, just make sure your PERL is updated to the latest release, at least that was my one issue. Otherwise it was pretty smooth and the new options in WHM I have found pretty helpful. But as a user I'm still using the old X skin! :)
Must admit we had an issue with perl on the upgrade to v11 but updating perl should cure it. Check the cPanel logs if you run into problems :)
Yes there was a issue in cpanel 11 with perl ..client face difficulty in login to whm/cpanel.

I guess its fixed now.
We have been running cPanel 11 for a little over 1-2 months now. I did have my doubts about the decision to upgrade the network - would it work properly? What would the effects be on usability etc.

I think the main reason i decided to give the go ahead with the upgrade was because of the support it gave the users directly. The flash tutorials in my mind have been the best addition - support ticket have dropped dramatically since the addition of cPanel 11.

WHM is also much easier to use, it looks better and more features have been added which aid in security and usability. Some people have been saying that they do not like the new skin but i think that's ludicrous - its much more user friendly, its got nice ajax features and it's more customizable. So i don't know why people are saying its bad.

Overall i think its much nicer than v10 and we will continue to use cpanel for a very long time.
I haven't actually tried cPanel 11 however I just ran a test on one of my Dormant Servers and can see it's much better in terms of WHM.

cPanel never bothered me because I rarely used the thing however if I was coming from a fresh person to Web Hosting I can see it's a much better interface.

I have to admit still I'm not too keen on the "fatter" logos. I think it looks completely unattractive.
yup , i agree with everyone else , since i have deployed cpanel 11 support ticket numbers have dropped and users find it more friendlier to use.
Alot of our clients prefer the newer version, however some od do like the old version. Personally I think its a fantastic upgrade esp in WHM

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