cPanel x and x2 skin problem


New member
Just got this on a new server.
Setup a test account with x2 as the skin but the skin is showing up as blank.
Tried it with x again but still the same problem.
Search the cpanel forums but couldnt find anything that worked, tried a few things through SSH and WHM but none have fixed it.

Did anyone have this problem and get it fixed?

Thanks Gordy.
After a good bit of looking around I finally found the problem.
It was related to something else which I didnt really need before (Well thought so) since it was a new server with only a test account.

The MySQL root password had to be set but I think WHM has problems with this, had to do it all through SSH but once I done that the skins are all fully working now :)

If anyone gets this problem just do the following:

-Login as root

-Stop MYSQL server

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop

-Restart safe_mysqld with the skip-grant-tables

/usr/bin/safe_mysqld -Sg &

-Start MySql as root

mysql -u root -p mysql

-Hit enter when it asks for password

-Set a new password for root

update user set password=password("new_password") where user='root';

flush privileges;


-Then restart mysql

/sbin/service mysql restart

That will sort it out for you :)
