Credit cards?

It is a plastic card through which we can borrow money or purchase products and services on credit. It is issued by banks, savings and loans, retail stores, and other businesses authorizing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit.
for me, "credit cards" triggers "merchant accounts". I guess I no longer think like a consumer :)

Same, but I actually think of work first and personal second. For me it goes: Oh someone that is not using Paypal with a subscription to drive me NUTS with their "monthly" package, which PP and my billing system like to fight it out.

Then I go: Oh, I am happy that I learned when I was young that CC's can be bad when you are not reading the fine print. Think to make sure I paid mine off and then its back to work for me. :D
For myself, I think boy, that's a dumb thing to use, unless you're using it for emergency situations.

For business stuff, I think woo hoo, ease of money, but obnoxious.
Often, when I use my credit card, I still always think that I live in the future. It's a little scary how much we trust in the system to protect our money. I'd like to get away from that but it would probably take some major infrastructure changes to ever make that happen.

Oh, also I think "rip off"
The first word that comes to my head when i think credit card is: NO!

I would prefer to borrow money from family and friends if i needed it. I've seen some people have very very bad lives due to credit card debt.

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