CS 1.6 pFF^ Looking for help

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Ultimate 33

New member
Hey all. I am Brian M. aka Ultimate33, a co leader from pFF^ Play For Fun. We are a competitive and fun clan. We will be competing in leagues and ladders and a few tournaments. We are farely new, and we have started off great. We got a 20 man public server that is full every night. We have a vent, but it is only 10 man and it is not fitting our needs. We also have a website but it's not really what we want, it looks very unprofessional. Also, if a 12 man private server for our scrims and practices is possible we would also like that. We would very much appreciate some help. In exchange, we will do most things that you ask of us like advertising and links. Whatever you want please let us know.

What we would like:

Webhosting with possibly a custom template

Ventrilo 20 man

NOT NEEDED BUT WOULD LIKE- 12 man private server for scrims and practices.

In return:

Mostly anything you want that we can do.

our current site: http://teampff.freephpnuke.org

My contact info:
Email: ULTIMATE-33@hotmail.com
Xfire: Ultimate33
MSN: ULTIMATE-33@hotmail.com

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