CSS Clan Sponsorship

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New member
I'm posting for a chance of a sponsored CSS server (Any man amount) ... I would like to post a thread about why my clan (esS) deserves it...

Firstly, We've been around since August 06 (I know it's not long, but we're growing strong), and we currently have 14 active members.
We all communicate well with each other, and another server would be ace for us! It would let us go further a lot more, with a more private match/training server for us.
Atm, we are inactive in the EnemyDown ladder but will go active within a few weeks. We've also decided to go to i31 (One of the biggest LAN in the UK) as a clan in August this year!
We're all active members who communicate a lot with each other and play fair.
Once we get our desired amount of members (16) we will start progressing a lot more, with matches, ED etc.
We aim to gradually get every clan members skill up, and progress in ED, then possible move onto CAL. We all want to play more competetively
You'll be given a banner a banner slot on our site too, we'll advertise in the sponsored server, in our IRC and our teamspeak! And in any other way that we can!

Check out our website at www.ess-clan.co.uk

Thanks, and I hope to hear from you!
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