Cyberworld Hosting New Design Review

Check your subtitles under Hosting Solutions and Our Services.
Also curious about the click here link at the bottom left of your site - no description of what to expect?
Very nice, good job, one question, why don't the blue arrows on the top nav don't work?

you don't click those you click the text right below them. You had me scare for a second lol.

Check your subtitles under Hosting Solutions and Our Services.
Also curious about the click here link at the bottom left of your site - no description of what to expect?

Ya I was meaning to do that and I forgot. I got a lot of business in the past 2 week since that design been live. Plus I am promoting a lot and can't find time but that is a easy edit. Thanks again everyone for your posts. I still need to edit the solution page with all my other services.
Link the blue arrows. It's the first thing My mouse went to also.

Can you dull down the white on the sides of the site? I have a big monitor (24") and I'm blinded by the site when it's so white. The text gets lost as the color is so light against the white background. Can you darken the text? Not necessarily regular black text (as it apears you were trying to stay away from that) but if you can go a darker shade, it will make it easier to read.

The detilas link for the hosting packages go to the same page (the comparison chart). Split that into TWO separate pages making it a total of 3 pages. 1 for each of the packages, and a link from that page (or inclusion) to the comparison page. This gets you 3 pages listed in google now rather than 1, and you'll be able to tailor keywords toward that particular hosting package and potentially drive traffic your direction using organic seo.

For SEO:
Try not to use the "&" in your title, keywords or descriptions. Search engines can't do anything with it. Use the word "and" or make it a separate sentence.

You need different title, and descriptions on each page. A few hints - no need for your company name in the title line as people know where they are already. Only the first 64 characters of the title are seen by google. If a word matches something in the title, it's bolded and will stick out to the customer. Same in the description.

Here's a marketing experiement for you;
"we sell lawn mowers"
"buy a mower that will make your neighbour piss themselves with envy"

Which one are you going to click on? The second! It's more descriptive, it's got a message, but still conveys that you sell a mower. Use that title and description meta tag to sell your product and drive the visitor to click the link on your page.

I like the layout, I like the colors (green is always good), just see if you can dull down that white background. The solutions page needs to be fixed as it doesn't line up right. Live Help should go on EVERY page, (put it on the right column). Upsell your VPS packages on your hosting page, I didn't even know you had VPS's until I clicked the link for hosting and it gave me two choices. So put a link at the bottom of your comparison page to upsell to VPS, and put one on the VPS to downsell to the shared hosting.

I know you do webdesign too, you need to upsell that. Maybe put that under your SOLUTIONS page also?

Hope that helps and I wasn't too harsh...
wow just wow conor. Ya I am in a weird situation right now but that's help a lot. I still need to edit the solutions page.

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