dang it... domain hijacked


New member
One of our domains was just hijacked... and I'm not sure how they did it. It was registered at yahoo (waiting to closer to renewal time to be transferred into our regular accounts) and the login there does not appear to have been compromised. The 1st notice was the "your domain has been transferred" email. The best part is, I can't seem to send a support ticket in to yahoo as (because the domain was moved out) there are no purchased services with the login. Uh, yeah I did purchase services and Yahoo transferred the domain away.

I have a ticket in with eNom and DemandMedia.com... but has anyone else gone through this? What's the proceedure?
If you registered it through yahoo you will most likely have to show proof of ownership. If you can not, the person who took it will get to keep it.
Bought with a credit card... and in the email archives they'll be a copy of the registration email. Just kind of a pain... fortunately it's not a high volume site. I don't get how yahoo transferred it with the authorization email, and the domain supposedly locked.
Very odd indeed.
If you didn't reply to the transfer request or you denied it how could there be a transfer?
I'm not familiar with how Yahoo does things but any registrar I have ever dealt with I don't think would allow an unauthorized transfer.
I wish I could be more help in this situation, but I have never bought a domain off yahoo. I hope this gets resolved soon.
I have never purchased a domain from Yahoo, so I can't be of much help to you.
Not sure how the domain could have been transferred if it was locked and had a valid administrative contact email address which was under your control.
I can only suggest that you change your registrar account passwords immediately and verify the administrative email addresses for all your domain names, just to be on the safer side.
Hope you get this resolved.

This set me thinking about the best practices for securing a domain and I did a few searches.
Maybe this article will help others too - I found it informative.
I think you should contact Yahoo support team because it was registered at yahoo!
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I'd love to... and tried with the same thinking you had. However, Yahoo Small Business support is only available to customers. And they no longer consider us a customer as the domain was transferred away. We bought the domain and it was already there... There's a reason I won't register one there...

One note of update - eNom support (the new registrar and owned by Demand Media - the name on the account now - think it's a private registration but not positive) said that department can't deal with it but are refering it to the 'risk management' department.

Maybe it'll get somewhere... who knows.
I know yahoo has its issues (grrr still random blacklist emails for no reason grr) but this seems kind of crazy. Keep us posted on this, I would like to hear more about it.
Got a canned reponse so far...

This issue is being reviewed by our Legal Department (legal@enom.com). We have received your email and are investigating the issue. Once we know more, we will reply.
Finally heard something (not much)...

We are working with Yahoo to resolve this issue for you and I’ll update you as soon as possible.

But I now have an actual person to work with... so some hope there.
Finally heard something (not much)...

But I now have an actual person to work with... so some hope there.

It is a terrific sign. That means the case is actually being looked into.
If you didn't confirm any transfers, its not that easy to steal or hijack a domain. I'd even dare to say it is impossible.

I wish you get some concrete information and if you think someone else is at fault, push them a little for resolution.

Thank you for keeping us in the loop about it! I am VERY curious to see how it plays out.
Yeah, thanks for keeping us in the loop. I hope this gets resolved and everything works out for you.
Enom is very good...

While many registrars have agreements with firms to "trap" domains, that is you look up a domain, but do not buy right away, they give this info to Domaineers and they buy up the names in bulk, Godaddy admits to this, where Enom Has stated this is not illegal but they do not think it is fair, they further stated that their company was more interested in doing what was right even if that affected profits.
This is one of many reasons I have delt with them for years.
If something is not right, they will make it right... If they can.