dareultd.com Appraisal please


New member

Was wondering what the below domain name is worth, which has been registered since September 2000


Dare U Ltd?
I don't think it's worth anything more than reg fee regardless of when it was registered, unless there are some verifiable traffic numbers.
I am afraid I have to agree with Blue on this one. But if this was an active site that receives traffic - it can carry some more value than registration fee.
- domain: dareultd
- tld: com
- length: 8
- dareultd contains no hyphens
- dareultd contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 87.6
Total internet market value : 9
Search frequency value : 0
Proper Name Value : 1

Appraisal Value of dareultd.com
- Dollar Value is $1182