DEAC European data centers become more required in European and Asian markets


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DEAC continues make investments in the development of data center infrastructure thereby increasing the competitiveness of data centers in Asian and European markets. Publicly available data shows that DEAC is ranked in the top 10 among Russian biggest data center infrastructures. In year 2009 export of DEAC services increased triple comparing the year 2008 and made 4,9% of the total range of provided services. In year 2010 is planned to reach 15%.

In April representatives of DEAC participated in 2 significant round table discussions in Moscow regarding IT sphere - “The market of data centers in Russia: plans of development” and “IT in sector of finances: ways of optimizing the infrastructure”. “These 2 events and multiple meetings with the Russian entrepreneurs show us that our activities are a step in the right direction. Namely business security and protection, optimization of IT expenses and infrastructure are the main demands we still hear from the wise entrepreneurs who wish to strengthen their market positions against competitors in these days that is very challenging and difficult for businessmen,” comments DEAC CEO Andris Gailitis.

Number of European customers has increased because of DEAC advantageous position in huge Russian market that because of crisis has become very attractive goal for different Western companies. In cooperation with the Russian telecommunication operator „Synterra” DEAC provides more financially beneficial and safe solutions for every company. “The cooperation network that DEAC has made with the partners provides wide range of IT outsourcing services that is based on data center infrastructure. Launched new partnerships will expand the technological possibilities for companies in conquering the Russian market,” A.Gailitis describes the situation.

The compiled data shows that in year 2009 export volume of DEAC compared to the year 2008 has increased threefold and was 4.9% of the total range of services exports. "Now we are in the process of preparing the big projects for large international companies that because of confidentiality clause can’t be mentioned. The cooperation with the world's largest telecommunications operator "Telefonica" is one of the most successful examples. DEAC is on the right track in acquiring the export market that is why we are carrying out great investments in data center infrastructure and planning that in this year the export volume will reach 15%," says A. Gailitis.

DEAC and the various industry analysts have observed that the global IT market slowly starts to brighten. Activity in different segments is dissimilar, for example, the demand for virtualization solutions continues to grow as the use of it substantially reduces corporate costs. "Main purpose of DEAC is to help each customer to understand in which direction to work for achieving maximum returns. That is why any request we examine individually, taking into account many factors, such as development strategy, security policies, IT systems, requirements of functional recovery speed, staff size, geographic features, etc.," emphasizes A. Gailitis.

About DEAC:
DEAC is European data centers operator and an IT outsourcing company with 10 years experience and highly qualified personnel. Business is orientated to provide data center services and IT outsourcing on Eurasia scale. It owns two carrier-neutral data centers in Riga, Latvia. Total server area 1000 sq.m. Data centers are equipped with TIER I/II/III/IV infrastructure, duplicated power supply sources, APC UPS systems, SDMO diesel generators, Emerson Network Power climate-control systems, FM200 gas fire suppression systems, optical 10 Gbit/s lines from 5 different providers, server systems and network monitoring service. Connections with AMS-IX, DE-CIX, LINX, MSK-IX.

DEAC offers a full range of integrated IT solutions and to almost 2000 customers from 20 countries of the world, among them – Spanish telecommunication operator „Telefonica”, „Danske Bank”, „UniCredit Bank”, „Latvijas Banka”, „Rietumu Bank”, “Elko Group” „DEPO DIY”, “Microsoft Latvia”, “Philips Baltic”, „TV3 Latvija”, “AAS Balva”, “Kvadra pak” and others.
DEAC is the developer of a popular Latvian school management system e-klase.

Olegs Naskidajevs,
Head of marketing and development department, DEAC
Ph.: +371 6707 2100, +7 499 5029 722
Mob. +371 2917 0284, +7 926 448 2657