Design a Corporate Website for a 7% Share of the company


New member
Hello again, I am new at posting on HostingDiscussion, and by the way I love it. But anyways, I own a business with 2 complete servers, a physical location in Lakeland, MN providing computer repair, parts, sevices, web hosting, telephone services, networking and more. I am willing to pay out 7% of what the company makes in one year to the designer that designs our webpage. Keep in mind you will make a minimum of $5,000.00 gauranteed. So please if you are interested please email me at StCroixMobile@Comcast.Net I appreciate everyones time.
This is a very interesting offer. However, would you be willing to sign a contract with these terms, and allow book or account auditing?
ANMMark said:
This is a very interesting offer. However, would you be willing to sign a contract with these terms, and allow book or account auditing?
I think under circumstances, signing a legally binding contract with $5,000 cash guarantee effective no more than 365 days after the effective date of contract is a must in this case.

Question is, why would anyone give a web designer a meaningful share ownership in the company? Never heard of this one. :)

I can easily answer this for you. I am giving away ownership to the company as there is no other way of doing it. Unless you have some other terms you would like to come up with, that would be great. I am on msn as if you would like to chat.
Well I'm interested. However, I'm concerned about both parties being legally bound to the terms you have outlined above.

Without a contract you could split, and never be heard from again, without ramifications, and please note this is just business, I'm not implying anything about you. I'm only speaking from a business standpoint.

For example, someone could do a design for you, and without a contract, or the ability to monitor incoming revenue, you easily have the upper hand. You could claim that the business earned $10 this month, when it really earned $10k (example), thus the giving the designer $0.70 instead of $700. Additionally, you guaranteed at least $5000 in your above statement. Without a contract, you actually owe nothing.

My concern is business, and actually getting what you promise out of the deal.
Contact me to Discuss

I am interested in what you are proposing. Please contact me to go over details of all parts of this proposal

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