Did Anyone Tried Ace-Host.Net !!??!!

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ACE-HOST.NET offers:

Disk Space 20 GB
Monthly Bandwidth 200 GB
Accounts / Domains Unlimited
Anonymous DNS
WHM - CPanel
Static IP
Price: $30/Month :eek: :eek: :eek:

Did anyone tried there server ?

I would really appreciate any help or advise as im considering them now.
Some of the links to their documentation are broken.

They claim to have a forum but the link just redirects you to cPanel's online forum. I don't know if I would have much faith in a company that uses someone else's forum for support.

All of the support links on this page are broken. http://ace-host.net/documentation/

Bottom line is, you go with a bargain basement host, you get a bargain basement host.
Don't expect to be online long if your site uses the resources you paid for.
I signed up 4 domains with ace-host.net and I was happy with them for a few weeks (everything worked fine except the back up restore function on one server).

Then suddenly one site goes down and I get an e-mail saying that their server had been hacked and all my files are lost, but that they have salvaged the SQL databases. I had a back up on another server, so I restored (manually via ftp because the automatic function did not work) my site. However, I don't know what they did to the database, but it never worked with the corresponding scripts again. Their customer support consisted of apologies for the security failure - about 12 apologies, but no technical help. Apparently the back ups they supposedly maintain are kept on the respective server and hence are vulnerable under the same hacker attack (their words).

I had just decided to move that domain to a different host when my other site went down. Now, the first was a new business and really a few days here or there aren't a big deal. But the second one is my main business and even a few hours downtime are a big deal.

I opened a support ticket to enquire what the problem was, assuming this server got hacked too. Some 36 hours (and 3 reminders) later I am told that my site was deleted because it used more than 23% of CPU. The only thing I run that is a bit CPU heavy is a UBB forum and no host has ever had a problem with this (I've been with a few over the last 8 years).

After a further 4 requests I am told that my files will be made available to me but my account will not be reactivated. Mind you I paid them for a full years hosting on all my domains, so at least now we know how they make their money - they scammed me by 9 months.

The promise to send my files was 3 days and many requests ago. They simply close the support ticket without response.

Not getting my files is not a disaster. I have a back up from a few weeks ago, but this puts a serious dent in the dynamic part of the site such as the forums.

My advice is to stay FAR FAR away from them. If their shocking tech support and customer service isn't enough to put you off then consider their poor server security. Kinda funny cos they are the only host i have ever been with that displays the "Hacker Safe" logo on their homepage, while being the only one I know that ever got kernel hacked.

My experience with ace-host.net has been as poor as can be, but as an experienced (yet unskilled) webmaster I am in a position where the damage is limited by foresight. I would hate for others to get into this frustrating situation though.

At this point I am still waiting for my back up files, but i doubt I will ever receive them (the support ticket just got closed again). I am glad they did this after 3 months rather than 6 months as this means I can do a charge back from my credit card on all 4 domains. I'd like to see them try to sue me in Australia ;)

So yeah folks, stay away from ace-host.net.
If anyone needs more info or wants proof I am happy to provide it.
senaia said:
ACE-HOST.NET offers:

Disk Space 20 GB
Monthly Bandwidth 200 GB
Accounts / Domains Unlimited
Anonymous DNS
WHM - CPanel
Static IP
Price: $30/Month :eek: :eek: :eek:

Did anyone tried there server ?

I would really appreciate any help or advise as im considering them now.

I haven't personally used this host, but I have heard they are bad news from a friend of mine.

I agree with what I've seen here. I have been using them for about 8 months and I am now looking for another webhost. Their prices are pretty good, which get you sucked in initially, but their support sucks! Every time I have had to deal with them, they first blame the issue on me but since I work in IT and computer networking, I have to educate them each and every time I have a problem. Every time I contact support I get the impression that I am not dealing with a company but rather some 14 year old kid with a server in his basement! I have an issue I need resolved and get badgered by some idiot who attempts to tell me that I'm the problem. Stear clear of this hosting kid. I am now looking around for another web host and I will unfortunately have to move about 20 domains over to the new host. I had some of my websites stop working properly because they rely on SENDMAIL. I contacted them and asked them if something was wrong with SENDMAIL on their server. In the same support ticket I was told...

1. There's nothing wrong with SENDMAIL. It must be your script.
2. SENDMAIL is working fine. Try reinstalling your website.
3. We disabled SENDMAIL for security reasons.

I asked them if they could enable SENDMAIL for me because the website is pretty useless without it. They replied that it WAS disabled but they they had enabled it for me. When the website still didn't work, I told them it still wasn't enabled and their response was that they disabled it and weren't going to re-enable it and if I didn't like it, too bad! I also had a problem with them blocking my IP address from checking POP3 e-mail because their server had decided that I checked it too often. Tech support seems to agree with their server and they tell me I am checking too many mail accounts far too often. (This is, of course AFTER they told me to reinstall my websites, clear the configuration of my e-mail client, reconfigure all my e-mail accounts in my e-mail client again and that everything was tested normally on their side) I have several domains hosted there so I need to check several accounts. So, to sum up, I shouldn't be using SENDMAIL for any of my scripts and if I want to host multiple domains on their server, then I need to find a way to do that without checking e-mail on too many domains.

So, my advice is to stay away. They have all kinds of features listed, but any or all of those features will be taken away at a moments notice and it will apparently be YOUR fault! No thanks. What ever happened to customer service?
ccole, you must be pretty mad at them. I see you're joining multiple forums to post your story. Sorry to hear what happened to you. Good luck with your next host!

Oh, can you share with us the website you had with ace-host.com? Thank you!
What I've heard that ccole said about checking to many email accounts at the same time is, if it wasn't so sad, funniest thing I ever heard.
Stay away from ace-host.net. They delete your whole site without telling you. They don't even know how to suspend an accout. And won't refund when only 13 days have passed. :thumbdown
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