Dilema over domain name

Mr. Nx

New member
Hi, can some of you guide me how to choose a domain name?
Suppose i have a company named 'ABC 123' shall i go for ABC123.com or ABC-123.com? Which one is better for SEO?
Hi, can some of you guide me how to choose a domain name?
Suppose i have a company named 'ABC 123' shall i go for ABC123.com or ABC-123.com? Which one is better for SEO?

Register both! ;)

Then register other TLDs as well (ABC123.NET, ABC-123.BIZ) and point them all to the main one, which should be ABC123.com, in my opinion.
Thank you so much! I didn"t thought of that logic (kinda fool of me being new to www lol!)
But just incase i am to choose only one between the two, which one shall I go for with multiple words for the domain?
Say if company name is ultatech engineers firm, which one will you recommend

I think the second one is better. Especially when you have to communicate it to other people or on a business card, etc.
Thank you so much! I didn"t thought of that logic (kinda fool of me being new to www lol!)
But just incase i am to choose only one between the two, which one shall I go for with multiple words for the domain?
Say if company name is ultatech engineers firm, which one will you recommend


Out of those two names, I would choose the first one. The second one could cause some confusion to some people while reading it, I suspect.

If the domain name is not so long then I would choose to NOT use the dashes in between. :thumbup:
Out of those two names, I would choose the first one. The second one could cause some confusion to some people while reading it, I suspect.

If the domain name is not so long then I would choose to NOT use the dashes in between. :thumbup:

Thats the whole point of my question! I felt the same about the confusion thing thats why i opted for advices from you here. I have four long words for my domain name and i wonder if using dashes will effect SEO....
I think the domain name without the hyphens is better. It just rolls off the tongue. Also, hyphenated generic domain names are not a good idea.
In terms of SEO either one would be fine - google would still recognize the individual keywords. Definitely the one without the hyphen would be more desirable.
I'll join with those saying "no dashes," however I wouldn't combine four words in a domain either.
It is always a great idea to look for domain names with no dashes but whenever possible, attempt to pick names that are short. Although some big corporations are using very long domains that are difficult to enter in browsers, some of them containing more than fifty characters, but you are highly recommended to stick with shorter ones, in the long term you will notice their values even more and better.

If you seriously are considering running a very big business, like managing a huge company with an office, registering several domains, with the same root and using different extensions can be nice, like the way Yahoo is doing. For smaller projects, just using the .com version seems enough. Search very hard to grab that available .com domain which is very great for sunning a business online.
I think probably everyone would here would say that, all things equal, a domain name without hyphens is better than one that uses hyphens. Better for search, looks less spammy, etc.

In your case, there are some special considerations because your company name is long. That presents two problems for you:

*long domain names are negatively correlated with search performance

*number of hyphens are negatively correlated with search results

SEOMoz included this in research on ranking factors and found both were negatively correlated. See the correlation data here:

So the best advice for you would be: shorten your company name, and then buy a domain name without dashes.

All that said, there are examples of people doing well with long and hyphenated names. Mostly that's because the sites are extremely popular (like digital-photography-school.com) or they are exact match domains for their main search terms.
ABC123.com is better then ABC-123.com, as there is hyphen in domain name. Use hyphens when there is a space between 2 words.

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