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Are web hosting directories a good place to submit the url to a web hosting business website? What is the benefit of submitting a link? Is it solely for Search Engine and backlink purposes?
I don't see how it can hurt, especially if it's free and you've got time on your hands. :)
It also gets you backlinks which improves google ranking, although the top hosts under a google of "web host" have about 1.2k backlinks, so it's a long long way to go, plus all the other factors...
Why not?

I have heard people say it's helpful and others say it's a complete waste of time so there is definitely two schools of thought there. Personally, I figure it certainly couldn't hurt to submit to directories. If you get even one new customer out of it, then it was worth the time. Even a trickle of traffic becomes a flood if it's repeated enough times.
Directory submission is always good but only in terms of back links. Don't expect to get huge traffic from these directories. A forum would fare much better in this regard.
Directory listing is always a good thing to do to improve either your backlinks and in search engine too. You can also gain more credibility by having your site listed in the directory :)
Its worth if inclusions are made in quality directories which has good PR and they're widely searched, also depend on your target market, listing in local niche directories may help you too in local search.
When submitting to directories, would recommend submitting to ones that relate to your website/niche. While submitting to as many directories will help in getting more backlinks, it may not actually improve your PR and ranking in the search engines and cost you more money.

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