DIYHosting announces line of VPS products


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May 5th, 2005 (Shelburne, Nova Scotia)— DIYHosting (, a leader in specialised reseller web hosting solutions, today announced the introduction of a new VPS line.

The VPS brand, named Project:VPS ( is due to open to new customers on June 1st, but not without the subsidiary receiving the "customer treatment" first.

Managing Director of DIYHosting, Dean Cahl goes on to explain the somewhat unique way that Project:VPS is being introduced: "VPS is a great solution for those not yet ready to make the move up to a dedicated solution, but have already outgrown a reseller account." Remarking on the introduction of Project:VPS as customer driven, Cahl states "we decided that instead of launching the product line with pre-defined solutions, that have already been around for a few years, we'd let the prospective customers build it."

Project:VPS is now encouraging users to post in their suggestions forum via their approval scheme. Users can literally be a major part of building a VPS brand that will break the boundaries of typical solutions.

"We don't use the VPS solution; the customer does." says President of DIYHosting, Simon O'Rourke. "by allowing the customer to help mould the brand, it's allowing them to request features that may not have been a part of our offering, and may not be a feature they can request anywhere else".

DIYHosting ( was founded in mid 2003, as a subsidiary company of EIRCA Internet Solutions, and is credited with its leading force in the reseller web hosting industry. The mission of establishing DIYHosting has been premium technical support and complete automation. Parented by EIRCA Internet Solutions, a leading force in internet service providing, DIYHosting goes from strength to strength on a daily basis, and currently serves over 13000 domains.

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I am, as you stated, inbetweend resellers and dedicated servers. Keep me updated :)

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