Do you believe in fate?


New member
So, I was on my way home the other day, and this guy going in the opposite direction cuts in front of me about 10 feet from the front of my car. I hit the brakes, but the lady in the lane beside me was not so lucky. He broadsided her and she slapped into an old concrete light post and it collapsed onto a restaurant completely taking the roof off of it.

No one was seriously hurt, fortunately, but it makes me think... what if I had left 8 seconds sooner? Could have been me hitting the light post.
This is quite an accident you were almost a part of (I am glad you weren't, and I am glad no one was seriously hurt). I was no so lucky last year when driving to pick up my girlfriend from work. I was passing through an intersection when a white BMW went right through red light without stopping ... right into me. Luckily, my reaction was good enough to slam on brakes and make a quick turn to avoid direct impact and have a side impact instead, which messed up only a left rear door.

Of course I thought about what if I was traveling through that intersection 5 seconds earlier or 5 seconds later... or was not slightly exceeding the speed limit... I do believe in fate. If something is meant to happen - it will. It is all one big accident at the end of the day. And they do happen.

I guess I also believe in fate, but I do so not based on accidents, but more on how things in life often fit together, how one event leads to, helps another event to happen. Life is almost like one big puzzle that slowly reveals itself over time.
Glad you are OK DediZoneCS ... and you too Artashes.

Dan (ldcdc) ... I am not sure I agree with your "one big puzzle" analogy. But ... it comes closer to describing what I believe than I could express myself.

So ... what happens when our puzzle is complete?? :) We "pass on"? .... or do we just live our lives knowing the "meaning of life"?

I have been in a few "near misses" where officials have claimed I was "lucky to be alive". (The other person was always charged :) )

About the only piece of a puzzle I got out of them was ... there are a lot of idiots given drivers licenses that shouldn't have gotten them.

I hate driving in medium to heavy traffic these days. I love to drive ... always have. I used to find it relaxing. But geez ... these days you take your life in your hands everytime you get behind the wheel.

I am not concerned about my driving ... just all the other people. You never know what idiot move they are going to pull next.

Even parked in your driveway is not safe. A couple years ago a guy drove into my driveway (I live in the country) and slammed into the a$$ end of my car. He thought my driveway was a road. And he was SOBER !!! He turned into my driveway, which is one car width wide ... my car & house are dead ahead ... and the idiot thought it was a road??? Sheesh. Luckily the car is parked about 30 feet in front of the house (125 ft in from the road) ... so when he smacked into it my car was knocked forward about 20 ft so it didn't hit the house. But to knock the car forward that far ... he must have gunned his car as soon as he turned in the drive. Like I said ... some drivers are total idiots and should never get a license to drive.

I find this subject fascinating. I think some of my favorite shows (that were made well and had a decent budget) are about Fate and Time Travel and such. Have you seen Butterfly Effect yet? Coool movie...

I'm not sure I believe in Fate personally though. I don't think that our lives are plotted out in advance, or that things are "meant to be" in the sense of being unavoidable.

I DO belive that there are unavoidable cicumstances that could be described as "meant to be"... Like dying... or the Mob whacking you if you squeal (lol). I also bellive that chain events can happen but that still does not make things pre-ordained, just inevitable.

Now.. send this to 100 of your friends in the next 5.879524 minutes and you will have good luck for the rest of your life, be unimaginably rich, and disease free. Otherwise... you will be something not as good.. and uhh.. hit the other post.. like you were supposed to originally.. yeah... so.. there... :thumbsup: