Do you love JOOMLA?


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I have seen " do you love wordpress?" topic and have an idea to open a new topic about joomla..

I love joomla..

What do you think about joomla?
joomla is a dead end. drupal is getting 7 soon, wp just hit 3, and what is joomla getting this year? 1.6? or 1.7? that can only mean 2 things. it's either perfect since day 1 and there is no possible MAJOR improvements to make to the CORE. OR it's a dead end.

oh and i love drupal and modx (which is hitting ver 2 soon)
Why you don't? Please specify the reason... too technical? hard to modify??

Joomla is great web application; easy to install plugins and has more features. There is no reason to not like it but I am not much familiar with Joomla. I don't love Joomla as I love Wordpress :D Like i can't say " I love Angelina Jolie', I love my wife ;)
I have never used drupal.. Could you compare both joomla and drupal ( except new version:)

Drupal has more extension? easier?
drupal is a way of life. a different way of thinking, sharing and implementing sick sites. it's based on "nodes" and "hooks".

"nodes" is an easy concept to grasp. and this is the minimum you need to get started. every piece of content, whether it's a page or a post, is a basic node with a title and a body. properties can be added to nodes either via custom code or readily available modules like CCK (ContentConstructionKit) which is becoming part of core in 7.

hooks you only need to worry about if you want to customize it through code. they are actually just functions with a naming convention that drupal executes at known times.

using these nodes and hooks. you can modify any module out there written by anyone, without changing a line of their code.

the number of modules out there is sickening. it takes you weeks just to go through them if you want to see what's already been done.

if you have a new idea, chances are it can be done better and quicker with drupal. so do yourself a favour and get started with drupal. it's a steep learning curve especially if think you "love" something else. but once you understand drupal, you'll never go back.

i know, not much of a comparison. it's your classic oranges and apples scenario. (also, "never go back" part applies)
If I really " love" omething, It is really hard to try something else for me:) Thank you for sharing your experiences..

Are drupal modules mostly commercial or free? IS there an admin site like joomla?
I have seen " do you love wordpress?" topic and have an idea to open a new topic about joomla..

I love joomla..

What do you think about joomla?
I use Joomla daily and have not had any problems with it so far. Also use WordPress daily. :D
If I really " love" omething, It is really hard to try something else for me:) Thank you for sharing your experiences..

Are drupal modules mostly commercial or free? IS there an admin site like joomla?

I haven't come across a single drupal module for $$ (hence why I said a different way of sharing)
I don't like Joomla.

I used it in few projects and it was bad experience. It has very poor code quality and hard to extend (comparing to other systems).

I think that Joomla belongs to the past. It's time for new CMSes, such as Silverstripe, Symphony CMS or Modx Revolution. They are extremely flexible and easy to use.

I like Drupal as well (but it's not always possible to run it on shared hosting).

Also I think that new Wordpress 3.0 (with custom posts and taxonomies) is a giant step forward.
I use Joomla to run my website on. I can say that it's a great CMS, especially considering that it's freely available. But thanks Cableguy for your inspiring explanation about Drupal. I will keep it in mind.
I use Joomla several times it's easy to install. Admin much more than just articles. SEO Friendly with SEF plug-in. Deep level navigation, sections in sections, categories etc. and yes I love it.
I have used both wordpress and Joomla. I like them both but I would have to say that Joomla is a little more complicated.

I believe it is a great tool for the more advanced users.
It's just a tool to do the job AFAIC.

There may well be better options out there now, but after 5 years on Joomla, and 4 years on Mambo prior to that, I'm pretty much set in my ways.
Joomla is good. Otherwise there would not be not many people using it. I have one of my important websites on Joomla a few years ago. Then we moved it on a quite good proprietary CMS & Site Builder. Now we are moving to MODx.
I'm glad I checked out all of your posts. I have tried to teach myself on several different programs. And they all have there ups and downs. I still haven't found my "Love" yet. I am going to check them all out. THANKS. If there are any other suggestions that would be great

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