Do you need an inexpensive support tech? Read on


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Looking for work tech support/customer service

I'm looking for a tech support or customer service position. I have approx. 18 months exp in the web hosting field. I'm available Mon - Fri 9AM-12AM EST (-5 GMT) Also available off and on on weekends (in my exp weekends have always been very slow)

I have experience with:
Ensim (very limited)
Modernbill (use, install, set up, integration of esupport)
WHMAutopilot (install, setup, use)
esupport (use, install setup, upgrade)
PHPLive 9use, install, admin, setup, upgrade)
Abuse issues (SPAM, copyright infringement etc.)
Virtual hosting
Reseller hosting
Some dedicated server support (minor, I am NOT a Linux Admin)
Minor Linux knowledge (would like to learn more)
script installation (phpnuke, coppermine, etc.)
Support Forum Admin
Vbulletin(applying mods/hacks)
Phpbb(applying mods/hacks)
Invision(applying mods/hacks)

I'm looking for a salary or hourly position, but will consider ANY offer. I can be contacted via e-mail at techforhire1(at) Resume can be sent upon request.

Thanks for reading.
I am offering my services as a support tech/customer service person.

For $75 a week I'll provide support and customer service via help desk, forums, live chat, AOL or Y! instant messenger from the hours of 9AM to 5PM EST (-5GMT). I'm at my computer all day, so dont be suprised if you also see me providing support outside the above listed hours. No sales/commision jobs please.

I'm looking for four hosts to work for.

I have experience with:
Ensim (very limited)
Modernbill (use, install, set up, integration of esupport)
WHMAutopilot (install, setup, use, admin)
esupport (use, install, setup, upgrade, admin)
PHPLive (use, install, admin, setup, upgrade)
Abuse issues (SPAM, copyright infringement etc.)
Virtual hosting
Reseller hosting
Some dedicated server support (minor, I am NOT a Linux Admin)
Minor Linux knowledge (would like to learn more)
script installation (phpnuke, coppermine, etc.)
Support Forum Admin
Vbulletin(applying mods/hacks)
Phpbb(applying mods/hacks)
Invision(applying mods/hacks)
I have some management exp.

I would also take a full time position with one host, same hours as above including the extra hours I just log in and help. Resume can be provided upon request.

I can be contacted via e-mail a techforhire1(AT) by AOL at tecguymh or yahoo at techguymh