Do you publish any kind of newsletter?


New member
I know not everyone does but it might be something to consider. I find it's a great way to get information on other products my hosting companies offer that I may not have known about, plus the best ones have articles about different aspects of online business. I was curious as to how many hosts/resellers here do anything like this?

Newsletters are great and are very reformative. You can mention new plans/prices etc as well as company purchases/acquisitions - not to mention it's a good way to advertise as well.
I think they are a good idea, like hivelocity said it's a great way to mention plans and prices. It is a good way to communicate. But... I don't personally like receiving newsletters nor reading them so as long as people are not like me newsletters are the wat to go! :)

Try to keep away from the spammy types of news letters, that are heavily advertisements. It can turn people off quick. Keep in informative with a well placed blurb about a new product or offering.

I have seen some good success with informative news letters.

We run a monthly newsletter email to our customers to keep them up to date on various aspects of our business, and ideas for their business. We take a different approach on our newsletters that our users seem to like better; we have a TITLE, and 2 lines to describe the article, then link to our forums or announcements section. This way, they can review all 5 or 6 points that we want to make, and if they want to read further, they can go to our site.

Users seem to like this approach better than being forced to scroll on their email program to read the articles in one shot.
we are moving away from newsletter and pushing our blogs out to our customers - we send out a notice via whmcs - like

Welcome to 2009 - happy New year - make sure to check out blog at etc
I think a newsletter is a wonderful thing. Apart from it being one of the most effective marketing tools ever, it is a great way to stay in touch with your client/member base.

I do read just a couple of newsletters, even though I receive a lot more.

On my watch I think we only sent 1 newsletter to memberbase. It was done a few years ago and served an important purpose. We are not a newsletter-oriented community, but I think being able to inform your clients/members of important changes and improvements made to your company/website that directly reflects their experiences, its a good idea to do that.

Having said that, we are working on sending another newsletter out soon as quite a few things have accumulated in the past 2 years that we wanted to share with everyone.
It's a really good idea to let people know what's going on, on the company , but we don't use it:D
Its a good way to show what you offer and inform the people at the same time,It's also very important to not over do It.
Yes, it is really better than spam messages.. Try to be informative and provide people a link to unsubscribe if they want.. If have some emails like thatand never think to unsubscribe because they really provide me informative emails..
For any company its good to prepare a newsletter with the recent plans, products available with them and to send to the registered clients.

It should be a spam and it will give negative impact is the unsolicited mails are send to the unknown persons to intimate about new products
Regret typo

If its a spam then it will give negative impact to the company among the users that they are being spammed for unknown products
Most times I will be honest, we do not do newsletters. A good chunk of our clients end up not really wanting to have their emails junked up more than they do. It is a great idea but I am not sure how many would go for it and instead end up calling going "Take me off your list".
What would be a good software to use (if there is one) to make newsletters)?

The only place that I've seen newsletters would be video game newsletters like IGN and Gamespot for example.

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