Domain Dilemma: and 1and1 and gmail


New member

So I am home from University and my father wants me to setup his business website. Ugh! A dreaded task indeed.

Anyways, a couple years ago he had a fellow working for him that managed to setup his domain ( at and also set it up so that when he goes to it has gmail properly setup. has been his main email address for a long time. Also, since no website had been setup, when going to it would display a google personalized type homepage with stuff like weather and news and stuff.

So I come in and decide to make his website, and host it on my ftp server on my 1and1 account since does not provide any hosting space. I read the instructions at 1and1's faq page and figured out how to change the DNS at the control panel to point to the ones 1and1 provided me with. So that works great but it caused the email to stop working. I could setup an email account at 1and1 that is the same, but it would cause all of his old emails to be missing and he would have to login using 1and1's web2.0 email service instead of gmail.

So how do I go about having both? Both as in, have the show the website I create on my 1and1 hosting, and have work with gmail like it does now?

I think it has to do with setting the MX records, something I am not very familiar with. I think I have to create a subdomain in the 1and1 control panel of but I don't know what settings to fill in. Do I change the IP address? When I tried to fill in the MX records to be similar to the ones I see at I got an error that says:

"MX 1: The mail exchanger is not sufficient or hasn't been approved."

It has a box to the right which i guess is for 10 or 20, but I don't know what they mean.

Any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
the correct mx records if you do still decide to change dns >>

and for the mail subdomain.. ad a CNAME to

to answer your question.. the 10, 20 etc is "preference".. the lower ones will be used first.
Yes. cableguy provided the perfect solution for you.
Do add an "A record" to your 1and1 ip without pointing your domain to 1and1's name servers.
Change MX records as suggested by cableguy in second post if you want to point to 1and1's name servers. It will fix your issue.
Thanks for the quick replies guys. Hey Cableguy, I love your movie. Thanks for clarifying supportfaciliti.

I solved my problem.

The issue was that I have my dad's website hosted on my 1and1 account in a subfolder (

I didn't know how to find the A record ip address of my 1and1 account (I think because it is the cheap shared hosting package) so I set up the following in my 1and1 controls:

I made a subdomain of and had it set to forward to the subfolder.

I made a subdomain of and had the CName set to

I set the domain of to forward to the subfolder and also set the MX addresses to what Cableguy posted.

Everything works like a charm and I am happy to save my Dad some cash each month.

This thread helped me very much:

For future referance,

Gmail offers pop and so when you go to and sign into your account you can get it so all mail that comes to your will show up in his email at gmail. and you can even set it up sp you can send mail using the 1and1 servers and his email.

Its called Pop and its under gmail settings. This is how I keep all my mail in one place and use the gmail interface and not outlook or thunderbird.