Domain Geoposition?


New member
We all know that geopositioning of hosting is important when you wish to target a specific country. But what about domain? I guess once you point nameservers to that specific hosting it's not important where you bought it?
If you're talking about buying a domain name from an ICANN accredited facility that's 10 miles away from you, rather than 1,000 miles.. I don't think that will ever be a ranking factor.

Now, a WILL outrank a .com domain name in the UK market. Country specific domains have a much eaiser time ranking in the various contry specific Google search pages.

For that reason, we have our .COM which is our main site, and a .CO.UK which is our UK version hosted on UK servers in the UK.

So domain extension will make a difference, but the registrar that purchased the domain name - that will likely never play a roll.. at least I hope not! :)
Use the webmaster tools provided by Google and other engines to specify your target market. This is easier than trying to use any methods that overall probably does not matter that much.

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