Domain name and SEO ?


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dear friends i want to know is domain name have any effect on website s seo or not ?
please help thanks :help:
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Yes, it has an effect on SEO. Having a domain name is an important part of your website. Having a domain name that is keyword rich, short name , easy to remember, and easy to type by customers would greatly help your website's exposure. :)

I would agree with mike here. The domain name definitely has an effect over the websites seo.

You need to choose a domain name that is related to your business and if possible includes your best keyword as well.

This would allow your domain to show up easily in search results compared to any other domain name.

There are some very basic factors that affect your seo and visitor traffic.

1. The TLD you have. .com is the most common and preferred TLD on the net.
2. The ease with which your domain can be typed in. would get lot more type in traffic than the domain
3. The relevance it has with your content. If you want to host a forum, then or would have a lot more relevance.
4. Search rankings are based on the quality of content you have. The best content with unique information would get higher ranking.
5. Domain age matters at times as well.
6. If you run country specific domains, even you hosting matters. US specific websites would have good rankings if they have quality content and hosted on US servers.

There are a lot more factors effecting SEO, but these are the basic ones.
Be aware that the SEO game has changed a lot since the article at SEOBook was written. Google has started their "anti-EMD" campaign. EMD is "Exact Match Domain", and it was used heavily by spammers. Things like "" and variations without the dashes are now frowned upon by Google.

In picking your domain name, just make sure it's either relevant, or quite simply just make it your business name. You can out rank ANYONE for ANYTHING if you do correct SEO. It doesn't matter whether your domain is "" or "", as long as you have quality content, you can rank for your domain.

Basic advise on domains is not to make them too long however, unless all you're looking to do is have people click to it from somewhere else. If you want it even remotely memorable, then you should follow the "short but sweet" mentality.
It is always suggested to have the keyword in your domain name.

Although Google has never publically mentioned that it gives you an edge but I have always had good results when I have a keyword in my domain name.

The last Google update called "EMD" or exact match domain update was aimed at those domains which were ranking for a particular term even though the websites were crappy.
Of course it has an effect. When you choose a domain name firstly you need to know what will be your market: world, country ..? Then you need to choose domain extension, for example your market region is Germany - the solution would be to buy .de domain. Next thing is that domain name should exact with your business products. If you'll do so, your business will grow automatically. :)
Next thing is that domain name should exact with your business products. If you'll do so, your business will grow automatically. :)

There are never any guarantees that your business will grow "automatically" under any condition. Convincing such notion is ludicrous.
I don't believe that domain names have much effect on SEO. I used to be very precise about it, even including hyphens in the domain name, but such precautions just make it more difficult for the user, which is the one you are really serving and should be focusing on. So, I would select the domain you want, and focus on SEO for the content itself.
SEO is something you are always going to want to keep track of as others noted it does change quite often. Part of the fun (and madness) is keeping track of what changes and when it does, before it ends up doing harm to what you are trying to promote.
I think picking the best domain name for your website is part of optimizing your website for search engines. Thanks for the info about Google's "anti-EMD" policy. is definitely not the best name for your website.
I believe it is important in regards to letting people know what you do, easy to remember, and easy to find. That is why I am having such a big problem with choosing the new one for my hosting service.
It does have an effect on ranking. If two similar sites are equal in other SEO attributes then the one with the domain name closest to the keyword will gain a very slight edge.

I've seen this with competitor sites and with my own.

It seems unfair but in the search engine's defense they can't have two #1 search result listings.
It has a small percentage of effect on the SEO but will not make significant difference if the domain name is different from what your website is about.
Domain name is one of the factor in SEO it help to improve ranking of website in search engine such as keywords in domain name, age of the domain and authority of domain, this are the some factor of domain that help in SEO.
If your domain name isn't optimized for the site, the site won't be optimized for the search engines. It really is that simple. The complications come with the amount of competition you will have.
Well, though some people say that it doesn't matter anymore but i still try to find a nice keyword to us in my domain. It's a pity that almost all of them are already taken.

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