Domain name and SEO ?

Ofcorse yes it does matter, picking up a good keyword for your domain works very well.

Good Domain = Better Search Results
Better Search Results = More Exposure
More Exposure = Sales
Sales = Development For An Company

So Good Domain is directly proportional to development. So choose your domain wisely with good keyword so that it will be easier to boost it among everyone with catchy keywords.
Having a keyword rich domain name makes no difference to anything at all. Marketing and branding techniques make domain valuable and popular.
dear friends i want to know is domain name have any effect on website s seo or not ?
please help thanks :help:

There is some effect but a good name is just a start in making things going on for you.
Look at the big brands: google, yahoo, bing that don't have a keyword in their name and yet have success.
Choosing a more specific domain name related to your website topic is very effective in SEO. It helps search engines to know about your website content just by crawling your url. Also your visitors will easily search for and get to know your website.

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