Domains for appraisals

- domain: templatesz
- tld: com
- length: 10
- templatesz contains no hyphens
- templatesz contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 2394
Total internet market value : 15
Search frequency value : 1.2
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $5501


- domain: paymentprocessor
- tld: biz
- length: 16
- paymentprocessor contains no hyphens
- paymentprocessor contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 867
Total internet market value : 36.6
Search frequency value : 1.2
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $1716


- domain: shopsforum
- tld: com
- length: 10
- shopsforum contains no hyphens
- shopsforum contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 1651.8
Total internet market value : 46.8
Search frequency value : 0
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $5917


- domain: webhostse
- tld: com
- length: 9
- webhostse contains no hyphens
- webhostse contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 3:
Total internet occurrence value : 2550
Total internet market value : 14.25
Nameboy search frequency value : 8.25
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $6550


- domain: webhostingse
- tld: com
- length: 12
- webhostingse contains no hyphens
- webhostingse contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 3:
Total internet occurrence value : 4175
Total internet market value : 68.75
Search frequency value : 6
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $11600


- domain: shopsforums
- tld: com
- length: 11
- shopsforums contains no hyphens
- shopsforums contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 1279.8
Total internet market value : 48
Search frequency value : 0
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $5419


- domain: paymentprocessors
- tld: biz
- length: 17
- paymentprocessors contains no hyphens
- paymentprocessors contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 660
Total internet market value : 22.2
Search frequency value : 1.2
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $1304


- domain: hostse
- tld: com
- length: 6
- hostse contains no hyphens
- hostse contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 0
Total internet market value : 1.8
Search frequency value : 6.6
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $2020

Forum statistics

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