e-cigs, or personal vaporizers


New member
I have quit smoking cigarettes because of these wonderful devices. now I'm not talking about those cheap cigarette look alikes you see in local smoke shops, they are garbage!

I have a Rive personal vaperizer, and with all the flavored juices out there you will find something you like and stop smokeing all those chemicals and carcenongens forever. And you can use them anywhere, so no more going outside to smoke.

Just wanted to let you know in case you are tired of having that morning feeling in your lungd and smokers cough. these things are awesome.
My wife bought me a disposable e-cigarette a few days ago so I could "try" them and see if I could get used to them and quit smoking regular cigarettes and cigars. I'm still trying to get used to them, it is a very weird feeling smoking them, but I guess it's worth your health! :)
Do they taste the same as the normal cigarettes? Those could be a really cool gift for someone

They don't taste that far off. It takes about 2 or 3 days to get used to, but in the end it's worth it. No tar, no second hand smoke, no smell, no fire. Only bad thing is that you're still hooked on nicotine. :(

But, if you're going to smoke anyways, then it is definitely the lesser of the two evils. :) My wife got me the "Joye510" e-cig.
I have one ... tried only when I bought it. It was ok. Now as I'm relaxing in general thinking using it again.
With some organization I'll switch only on it.

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