Earn Money Through Paypal


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Many individuals have dream of finally leaving their small cubicles and getting a chance to work on their own homes. This is a lot of convenience because they do not have to worry about irrational demands by their superiors, make more money and manage their own time.

Most home-based businesses are done over the internet. It has vast opportunities many individuals can partake in. One way of this is earning money through paypal.

Paypal is one of the more popular methods of receiving payment through the internet. Not only is it the most secure form of sending and receiving money it is also very reliable and transactions are fast.

If you start a home based business, selling products or services, you can use paypal to either send money or receive money over the internet; all you need is an email address. Your customers can be able to pay you online in an instant.

Paypal is available worldwide, so if you have customers from other countries, you can receive your payments in an instant. There will be no need to set up a money transfer or remittance account with a bank.

The money you save from using paypal can be counted as part of the profits. This way you earn more money. Remember that money saved is money earned.

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I'm not sure I'd define PayPal fees as part of the profit. But I do agree if you're a small business, PayPal is the way to go, and an easy way to get your foot in the door of ecommerce.
Paypal is available worldwide, so if you have customers from other countries, you can receive your payments in an instant...

I don't mean to sound rude, but that's a load of ....! PP is available only for 30 something privileged countries. Now I will show my lack of geography knowledge but how many countries are in the World... say about 200... now, is that Worldwide?! It's a form of modern fascism if you ask me.
I don't mean to sound rude, but that's a load of ....! PP is available only for 30 something privileged countries. Now I will show my lack of geography knowledge but how many countries are in the World... say about 200... now, is that Worldwide?! It's a form of modern fascism if you ask me.

Paypal just works with countries with more o less reputable economy.
They should have used an argument to choose those countries.

When you manage money from other people you have to be prevented. So must have searched for some information before deciding if "x" country would be included in the list of supported countries.
I'm not following the fascism comment either. There are a very limited number of companies operating in more than 30 countries. And I fail to equate that to being privileged. It's largely a matter of risk, economics and ROI whether to expand to a larger global base.
My personal experience shows that it is indeed the case that in some countries there is a larger number of fraudsters who go online than in the others. When you work with money and you have to keep your reputation high, security is the most important thing ever!
Fascism was perhaps the wrong word but I think there probably is some measure of privilege to consider. There is fraud happening everywhere. I don't know that fraud is the reason some countries are included and not others. I wonder if it has more to do with demand and volume. In richer countries where more people have access to the Internet and are in a position (education-wise, economically) to have a computer and know how to use it, it seems to me more likely that Paypal and other companies like it would have an incentive. Again, I don't know this. Just speculation. But it is obviously true that a huge roadblock exists for companies in countries without access to Paypal.

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