Eleven2.com: World-Class Hosting, Done Right! | EXCLUSIVE TWITTER DISCOUNT!


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Eleven2.com - World-Class Hosting, Done Right!

We're designers, developers, musicians, movie makers, business owners, writers, photographers, and oh so much more. We are just like each one of you. In 2003, out of a dire need for a company who actually cared more about their customers and their world than they did about being the company that cared solely about its dividends, Eleven2 was birthed. Somewhere between 2003 and now, Eleven2 grew from and idea at first talked about at starbucks to a company that services over 70,000 websites. Eleven2 is set at a great pace to change the world of web hosting with many new innovations and keeping to its roots, a company who actually cares about its customers.

With plans starting at $6/M, everyone can afford it! We always have great deals going on, you can get your hands on a dedicated server (Managed or Un-managed) or VPS for dirt cheap! Oh, but you are looking for something smaller, ayy? We also have amazing web hosting and reseller packages that come fully loaded to meet your needs! Our support response time is almost unbelievable, we offer 24 hour support plus phone support during office hours. You can contact us via email, ticket system, phone, live chat, and EVEN AIM!

Hit up one of our sales staff at hello@eleven2.com and see if we have a deal that fits your budge!

For a limited time, we are offering an exclusive discount for our twitter followers! Be sure to check out the official Eleven2 twitter account for the exclusive discount code at http://www.twitter.com/Eleven2 and follow us for exclusive discounts and information.

We now offer hosting on our servers in Dallas, TX (USA) - London, England - Singapore