Email hosting marketing


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We're thinking about doing more marketing for our services and considering options. Have you tried doing email marketing for your hosting services? What are your experiences like?
If you mean using your own opt-in customer email list, sure, give it a try.

If your talking about buying a email list to send unsolicited, no, don't want your time or money.
If you mean using your own opt-in customer email list, sure, give it a try.

If your talking about buying a email list to send unsolicited, no, don't want your time or money.

No, we wouldn't buy any email lists. I was thinking actually about doing a research and emailing businesses similar to those we already have as clients. So we would actually create a completely new list. I know what is this like in theory, but I am interested if someone here had an actual experience with emailing as a way of advertising and what was their results like?
No, we wouldn't buy any email lists. I was thinking actually about doing a research and emailing businesses similar to those we already have as clients. So we would actually create a completely new list. I know what is this like in theory, but I am interested if someone here had an actual experience with emailing as a way of advertising and what was their results like?

Although that is better then just buying a email list, it's still sending unsolicited emails. I doubt you will get any positive results, and would probably end up with your IP addresses blocked.
Highly suggest you to use paid traffic as a form of medium to gather email lists in your niche. This way you are making sure that the people who are subscribing to your email list are actually interested in what you are offering.
In otherwords you are planning to send unsolicited emails which as you know is what we call SPAM. Now since you are a host how will you enforce the rule of no spam on your server when you are actively doing the same? hehehehe Use adsense or anyother PPC instead.
No way we are going to do this. You are all right, it would be spamming, although I didn't see it like that at first. Your opinions are very much appreciated. Thank you, all!
You are all right, it would be spamming, although I didn't see it like that at first. Your opinions are very much appreciated. Thank you, all!
Adsense will give you a more legitimate way to tap into traffic that may result into sales. Just be sure to optimize your campaigns to avoid wastage of resources on useless traffic that will have very little click thru.
Bulk mailing will simply give your business bad reputation. I would suggest paid advertisement like google ads to get traffic at early times.
You need to have your own optin list or purchase one from a reliable source. Adsense is good but can get expensive if not setup correctly.
We had a way of finding potential clients emails, usually sent personal emails than lists and to be honest out of 100 sent I got one reply which didn't convert.

I found better ways and didn't bother, I don't really think it works well.
Email campaigns can be tricky if not done properly. Campaigns to your own opt-in customers probably won't get you any new clients, although some of them may upgrade. Always give them a clear path to opt out.
Well generally you wont be getting positive results by sending emails and bulk mailing will result into blacklisting of your mail server IP

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