Ensim Power Tools?

What do these do, I am planning on getting a server extremely soon and this is a add on that I am considering, what do these do and could they help my server at all?? Ensim Pro is w/ the power tools.:confused:
I think Power Tools is just like Fantastico for cPanel, it installs scripts very easily for your clients.
They only enter a little bit of information then Ensim will install the script for the users and they dont have to get into configuring any files, tables, databases etc.
Im not totally sure but almost :)
I dont use Ensim anymore so cant check it out myself.
If you dont know what Fantastico is, let me know and I will setup an account just so you can see what it is
Hehe, No I don't know what Fantastico is.. I have used cPanel, but always to buggy for me, so I love ensim pro so much.. can't wait to get my new server w00t w00t. If you can give me a bit of a demo, that would be great!!!
Power tools is basically a control panel for activating scripts for your clients.

They login to Ensim and then choose the powertools option.

From here they can choose software such as forum, chat etc to install. they click the button and as by magic it is installed.....no looking at a config file......quite usefull for the novice