Established Web Host For Sale


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Due to lack of time, I am considering selling my web hosting business. I am looking for someone to purchase my hosting business that has been in the business themselves for a while, and would give my customers the dedication and service that they deserve. Most of my customers have been with me for nearly 4 years, and are always complementing me on how great the service/support is... however, recently I have had less and less time to provide that kind of support to them, and I want to find someone to take over that is willing to provide that level of support.

Here is what I have:


Billing Software: owned license for Modern Bill that is setup and customized with the look and feel of the website and is set up to handle the orders coming in.

Free Email Service: free email service offering email addresses like has over 300 customers and recieves between 60,000-100,000 visitors per month... you would get 50% of the ad space from this... and takes the other half.

Free Web Hosting service: this service is provided by community architect and offers visitors free web hosting... currently there are about 2,000 free members. Again you would get 50% of the ad space on these free sites and community architect takes the other half... there are no fees charged by community architect... so this is a free service for you as well.

Customers: I currently have 18 active and paying customers... they are as follows:

-13 customers paying $5.95/month
-1 customer paying $6.75/month
-1 customer paying $30.00/month
-1 customer paying $10.95/month
-1 customer paying $25.95/month
-1 Dedicated Server customer paying $89.00/month ($15.00 of this is pure profit... the datacenter also handles support for this customer)

Currently these customers are on a reseller plan with CPanel & Fantastico... but I also have a dedicated server that I use for resellers, which also has CPanel... but no fantastico (the server is new and I have yet to gain any reseller customers)... if you need the server I would be willing to throw that in as well, but you would need to have your own domain name, because the one I am using for it, I want to keep... or you can transfer the gossimer domain name over to it if needed.

You would also get all of the designs for Gossimer as well as the logos. This site has been up for nearly 4 years now, and almost everything (minus account setup) is automated. I also have a script that allows customers to create their own package... the script was written and customized by me to work with the site, so it is fully integrated with everything.

If you are interested, and need to know more details, please feel free to contact me at or you may send me a PM here and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

The hosting business is still for sale, but I must sell it by the middle of the week... the offer for $600.00 fell through... please contact me as soon as possible to make an offer. I will sell to anyone with a resonable offer. Thanks!

How solid are those free clients in keep their "free" account? What I'm saying is....if the company was introduced to a new business model, to migrate those free clients to a pay model, would there be a mutany, so to speak? :D
Hi gossimer,
your website hosting plans list plesk control panel for customers ? but you say its cpanel whats the go here....
Here are the answers to your questions:

ANMMark - It really would depend on how you did things... if you offered a special promotion or something for them to switch... some would... but it would take some promotion on your part. That is how I got a few to switch over before; however, I would say more than half are set in their ways and won't switch... no matter what you offer, unless of course you offered them something they couldn't refuse! :)

matrixguru - I do have CPanel... I USED to have Plesk, but got rid of it due to problems, but I never switched the page... that is the kind of lack of time I am talking about... I don't even have time to edit the page that much.... but it is definitely Cpanel!

Thanks, and if you have further questions post them here or contact me at Thanks!


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