Fantastico - Is it a Web Hosting Feature you Use?


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I find fantastico to be incredibly useful and easy to set-up websites using the most popular free scripts out there today. Anyone else share my enthusiasm or are there some reasons why Fantastico is not something you use?
Ever since Fantastico was introduced to me personally, I have been an active user of it. Perhaps not on all of my web sites, but some of them for a fact. It has saved me some money in installation services, and I've enjoyed painless and quick processes it allows.

I sure will be looking forward to Fantastico growing and including more scripts. Its a wonderful add-on to have, in my opinion.
I've only used Fantastico when fastly trying out scripts to get an idea about them. Other than that, I prefer to install them by hand.
I've used Fantastico, and we have it available on our servers. Customers love it, and request it.
Fantastico is a great utility.
The only problem is that it is only as good as the host who offers it.

Can the host support the programs it installs?
Does the host keep the Fantastico install current?

If Fantastico is not kept updated it can pose a serious security risk on a server.
Yes its really great using fantastico, they provide many autoinstaller script its really helpfull for newbery.

Only problem occurs with buggy versions of forum that create a easy way for site hackers.
I think it is a great tool for web users, as most dont know how to manually install most of the scripts. Its a feature that would change a customers mind if they was chosing a new web host
FH-Donald said:
I think it is a great tool for web users, as most dont know how to manually install most of the scripts. Its a feature that would change a customers mind if they was chosing a new web host

Agreed. We have got a lot of traffic to our website from google searches on "fantastico deluxe hosting". It's a feature that'd be in demand currently in hosting, so it's something most hosts provide.
be sure to have your Fantastico up-to-date as nowadays most of the open source scripts has security vulnerability which may cause exploit on your server. It will be best to have mod_security installed on your web server for those common attack and exploit.
I love Fantastico to be honest with you. But alot of people dispise it. I don't know why. I think it's great, and easy to use.
Most of the people who dispise it are the ones who don't keep it up to date and allow insecure scripts to be installed on thier servers.
Yeah, as an end user just remember to keep any scripts you install through Fantastico fully updated with the latest security patches. It is very easy to overlook :)
Fantastico is one feature that nine out of 10 hosting customers look for - it's just so convenient to have around.

ldcdc said:
I've only used Fantastico when fastly trying out scripts to get an idea about them. Other than that, I prefer to install them by hand.

Same here. I use them to test out scripts and to see them. Sometimes for family or friends I use it to install something quickly. Overall I do prefer to install it myself because like to edit files and things, so its just handy for me that way.

I can easily see how it is easier for others to install it through Fantastico and I remember when it first came out, it really did help to sell hosting!
Fantastico has been a really good selling point for us so far. Settign up a page that shows all of Fantasticos available scripts has helped alot!
I have seen a few others coming out lately, but havent looked into them at all. One of them is called Installatron or something. From what I have read, it has the same function as Fantastico, but a few different scripts.
Has anyone else tried it, or any other variations?
We use and offer Fantastico. Clients like the ease of installing scripts. I personally do upgrades through script sites as they are a little more up to date with security patches and bug fixes.
Almost everything i use on my websites were installed with Fantastico. Although i think the new CpAddon functions is useful, it doesnt hold a candle to Fantastico IMO
I have used fantastico several times and find it useful when testing the availaable packages as you can quickly install -test-uninstall.

For production environments I prefer manual installations.
I didn't know what fantastico was for the longest time. It wasn't until recently when I got my new host that I saw what it could do. I have heard bad things about it, and I have heard good things about it but I will have to try it for myself before making an opinion.
Fantastico makes my life so much easier, it only has open source scripts, but it is still very handy. It would be better if there were a 'super' deluxe version, with like the latest version of PHP Nuke, instead of the last version that was free, and their script update is a bit odd at times, but for the scripts they provide, with an easy 2-5 step installation, its amazing!

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