Featured offer for limited time: 5.99$/month - 299MB space, 2GB/month trafic


New member
For a limited time, we offer our featured package for only 5.99$/month. The features include the following:

- 299 MB disk space
- 2 GB monthly traffic
- PHP4
- MySQL database
- 15 subdomains
- 9999 POP3 accounts
- FTP access
- free 24/7 technical support
- custom error pages
- compatible with credit card processors
- e-mail forwarders
- mod_rewrite
- protected folders
- administrative control panel
- FormMail scripts
- web based e-mail
- instant account activation
- POP3 server
- SMTP server
- e-mail for subdomains
- multiple OC3 + OC192 connections
- allowed to host additional domains
- CGI-BIN and Perl enabled
- FrontPage 2002 extensions
- protected directories
- .htaccess enabled
- access and error logs
- website statistics
- Counters
- can be upgraded to own IP address
- web based file manager

To sign up, go to http://gdmtrweb.com or contact us at office@gdmtrweb.com